Online Tarot ReadingYes/NoTarot: Am I Pregnant?

September 9, 2022by Kim Ashiza0

Tarot can be used for many different purposes. It can be used to find out about someone’s future, to predict their past, or to give advice on current situations. In the hands of a good reader, it can be a useful tool for personal growth and spiritual development. You can use it to gain insight on your relationships, your finances, and even your health.


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However, Tarot can also be used to give advice on current situations. The most common purpose of this is for fertility purposes. The most popular cards for this purpose are the Fool and the Hanged Man. These cards are associated with conception, pregnancy, and birth in Western culture. However, these cards do not always have a universal meaning in other cultures. Some cultures associate the Fool with death or destruction. In many countries, the Fool is not associated with birth at all. Therefore, these two cards should not be used as general fertility advice without knowing what cultural context they are being used in.

Choose 2 Cards:

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune shows the flow of energy through your life. This energy is going to come in different forms. Sometimes the energy comes in a single form, and sometimes it comes in multiple forms. The Wheel of Fortune is not going to be able to tell you what form the energy will take. If you’re wishing for a pregnancy, this card may be a great sign for you! You can interpret that the energy flowing through you is healthy and positive. If you’re not hoping for a pregnancy, this card may indicate that there is a problem with your fertility. Be aware that this is not a definite answer, and it does not tell you how to fix the problem.

The Sun

The Sun card means vitality, health, and life. It is a symbolization of new beginnings and new life. If you are trying to conceive, this card may indicate that the energy flowing through you is very positive. The energy may be healthy and strong enough to bring about a successful pregnancy. If you’re hoping for a baby, but have not yet conceived, this card showing up in reversed position can tell you that there is something wrong with your fertility. It may tell you if there are any potential problems or issues that need addressing before attempting conception again. This could mean anything from your ovulation cycle being off to hormonal imbalances. It’s also possible that something needs attention in other areas of your health as well.

The Moon

The Moon represents changes in our lives: good things and bad things change too! When we think of the Moon, we tend to associate it with emotion: joys and sorrows! These emotions do have an effect on our bodies: They can either make us feel happy or sad. Whether you’re going to have a pregnancy, the Moon card is telling you that there will be rocky times ahead, in terms of emotions. You’ll be feeling strong emotions, which may be difficult to manage. You will not be able to control the intensity of these feelings. If you’re hoping for a baby, this card could mean that your body is trying to create a pregnancy, but it cannot.

The Chariot

The Chariot card is an important one. The chariot represents energy, momentum, and progress. It’s a symbol of personal success and achievement. If you’re hoping for a pregnancy, this card may indicate that the energy flowing through you is very positive and healthy. If you’re trying for a baby, this card is telling you that you need to keep trying! Momentum is key. You need to keep going, even if you’re not feeling like it. Only by pushing for progress and not slowing down on your efforts will you be able to achieve your goal of getting pregnant.

The Hermit

The Hermit card represents solitude, self-sufficiency, and isolation. It’s a symbol of introspection and self-reflection. You need to look within yourself and see what’s really going on. You need to look at the energy flowing through you and determine if it is healthy or not. If you’re hoping for a pregnancy, this card may indicate that there are certain obstacles in your way which prevent conception from happening right now. It may tell you about the difficulty of conceiving or whether something needs to be done before trying again.

The Devil

The Devil card signifies deceit, trickery, and treachery. It is a card of deception and fakeness. If you recently have had symptoms of pregnancy, such as vomiting and headaches, this card may tell you that it’s important to really be sure whether you’re pregnant or not. It also means you shouldn’t blindly trust people or products that promise you a certain outcome, such as a healthy pregnancy. You need to make sure that what you’re doing is safe and will not harm your baby in any way. Many scammers will try to take advantage of you by claiming that their product will help you get pregnant. Don’t fall for it!

The Tower

The Tower card represents the breaking point in your life, or an event which brings about a change in your life. It can be both positive and negative at the same time: good things can also lead to bad things happening in our lives too! You may feel like you’re at the edge of a cliff, or that there’s no way out. Your energy may be very intense and overwhelming. Keep a cool head and don’t get too stressed out about your possible pregnancy. Panicking will only make things worse.

The Lovers

The Lovers card shows passion, love, and intimacy. It’s a symbol of happiness and joy. If you’re hoping for a pregnancy, this card may indicate that the energy flowing through you is very positive and healthy. There’s a lot of passion in your life right now, and this card is telling you that there’s nothing wrong with it. If you’re trying for a baby, this card could mean that conception has already happened or is happening at the moment.

The Magician

The Magician card represents creativity, imagination, and insight. It’s a symbol of the mind at work. If you’re hoping for a pregnancy, this card may indicate that the energy flowing through you is very positive and healthy. If you’re trying to conceive right now or are planning on doing so in the near future, this card can show that there is nothing wrong with your fertility as long as it stays healthy. Your body has all it needs to create life! You should not be worried about conceiving any time soon unless something changes in your situation which prevents conception from happening naturally.

The High Priestess

The High Priestess shows intuition and understanding: wisdom flows through us when we choose to listen closely! You need to use your intuition to see if you’re pregnant or not. It’s possible that there is something wrong with your fertility, but it’s also possible that there isn’t anything wrong at all! If you’re hoping for a pregnancy, this card may indicate that the energy flowing through you is very positive and healthy. If conception has already happened, this card can tell you how far along in the process of gestation you are right now and what stage of development the baby is currently in.

The Empress

The Empress shows strength and leadership: confidence in oneself flows from within! If conception has already happened or if an early pregnancy was planned, then this card could be telling us about any problems which may arise during birth. Be assured that everything will be fine! You can trust your body to do the work of creation. Just keep it healthy and follow its lead as best you can, and everything will go smoothly.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant card represents authority, power, and knowledge. It’s a symbol of the self-control that we need to have in order to achieve our goals. This card is telling you that there is nothing wrong with your fertility as long as it stays healthy. You have to learn how to control the amount of energy flowing through you, or else it can overwhelm and hinder your life. Make sure to stay healthy, take your vitamins, and eat healthy food. It’s also important to exercise regularly, even if you’re not trying for a pregnancy!

The Fool

The Fool card represents an individual who has no idea of the consequences of their actions. This person will not be able to see what they are doing and what they’re causing in their life. It advises readers to take a look at their own life and to look at the consequences of their actions. This card is not necessarily a bad card, but it can also be a very positive card. If you’re hoping for a pregnancy, this card may indicate that the energy flowing through you is very positive and healthy. However, if you’re not hoping for a pregnancy, this card may indicate that there is something wrong with your fertility.


The Death card represents the end of a cycle, or an event which is inevitable. It can also represent change and transition in our lives. Getting a Death card can be a scary ordeal, simply due to the mysterious nature of the card. You might be afraid that something bad is going to happen, or you might feel as if your life is coming to an end. It’s important not to take this card too seriously! You should try and get rid of the fear and worry from your mind by meditating on it. You will see that there’s nothing scary about Death: it represents change, growth, evolution, and renewal. Perhaps this means that you will be renewed as a mother!


The Justice card represents fairness, truth, and equality. It’s a symbol of justice in our lives. You do not need to worry about a possible pregnancy upending the energy in your life. Instead, trust that your energy is healthy and will stay that way. This card can also mean that there will be some issues with your fertility, and you need to get them taken care of as soon as possible. If this is the case, take action now! Don’t wait until it’s too late because things could change drastically by then.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man card represents confusion, paralysis, and chaos. It’s a symbol of being unable to make decisions or achieve your goals in life. This is something that you should be worried about if you’re hoping for a pregnancy! The energy coming through this card could indicate that there are problems with conception happening now, or it could mean that things will not go as planned and the baby may never arrive at all. Be aware of any strange symptoms such as nausea or headaches which might accompany these feelings too.


The Temperance card represents moderation, and it’s a symbol of harmony. If you’re hoping for a pregnancy, this card shows that your mind, body, and soul are all working in tandem to manifest a destiny that pleases you most. However, it also means you should do everything in moderation. This means not trying to push your luck by getting pregnant too soon. This card also means that you should take good care of your body, and be sure to eat healthy food regularly!

The Star

The Star card represents hope for the future, as well as inspiration and illumination from above. It’s a symbol of new beginnings in our lives: we have something special planned for us if this is the case! If you are trying for a baby, this card is great news! The new beginnings that are often symbolized by the Star card may very well be a new pregnancy. If you’re not trying for a baby, this card may indicate that you need to be careful and change how you go about your life if you want to avoid another pregnancy scare.

Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups card represents joy, happiness, and love. It’s a symbol of pure enjoyment in life. If you’re hoping for a pregnancy or are trying to conceive right now, this card is trying to tell you that you’ll find yourself facing an abundance of joy in the future, whatever happens! This is a fantastic card to have if you’re trying for a baby. You may be in the process of conceiving right now, or it could mean that conception has already happened and your body is creating a pregnancy at this very moment!

Knight of Wands

The King of Wands card represents creativity, passion, and spontaneity. It’s a symbol of the mind at work. If you’re hoping for a pregnancy or are trying to conceive right now, this card is telling you that there will be plenty of great news ahead. This card also signifies having enthusiasm to achieve what you want in life. If what you want is a baby, then this card can show that you will be in a very good place to have one.


The most popular reading method for giving general fertility advice is to consult a tarot deck and then interpret its meaning through a process of elimination to arrive at a solution for your situation. A well-read tarot reader can use their intuition to determine which card represents what you want to know about your situation. They can then use this information to provide you with advice that you can apply directly in your life or adapt for your personal growth needs.

This method requires a great deal of skill from the reader as well as a high level of intuition. Tarot readers should know how to read the cards well and should be able to apply that knowledge to give you specific advice. The best tarot readers are able to do this without bias or prejudice, and this ability is the mark of a true professional.

However, many readers use their personal feelings about a situation in their reading. They can sometimes rely on other preconceived notions about an issue or situation, which can lead them astray from the truth. It is important for readers to understand that there are no absolutes in life, so it is always possible that an interpretation will be incorrect. It is also important for readers to be aware of biases that they may have about certain situations, so they can avoid making an incorrect interpretation.

What Does Tarot Say About Pregnancy?

Tarot can be used to give advice on current situations, such as your fertility. However, it is important to understand that it is a tool for personal growth and not a method of diagnosis. It is also important to remember that there are no absolutes in life, so it is always possible that an interpretation will be incorrect. The best way to use tarot for fertility purposes is to consult a well-read tarot reader and then ask them what they think the cards mean in your situation. They can then provide you with specific advice that you can apply directly in your life or adapt for your personal growth needs.

Tarot will be able to give you some advice on your fertility. It will not be able to give you all the answers for you, but it can provide you with general guidance. Tarot can help you determine if there is a problem with your fertility or if there is a problem with your health in general. Tarot can also help to determine if there is something that needs to be done about the problem. It will not tell you how to fix the problem, but it can tell you what steps need to be taken and when they need to be taken.

For example, it may be able to tell you about the baby’s development in the womb, if the baby is going to have a healthy pregnancy, the progress of the pregnancy itself (if there are any problems), and how likely it is that complications during delivery will occur. All of these information is important to know if you are planning on having a baby. It will not tell you when the baby is going to be born or give a definitive answer on its future wellness, but it can provide you with some pointers.

If the reader thinks that there is a problem with your fertility, they may be able to determine what needs to be done about it. They may also be able to tell you when you should start trying for a baby or when you should stop trying. However, tarot cannot tell you how long it will take for your fertility to improve or when it will improve. This information can only be obtained through medical advice from a doctor or other health professional. Tarot cannot give medical advice and does not provide such advice on fertility issues.

How Do I Know If I’m Getting Pregnant?

Many people are interested in fertility issues, so they will often ask themselves if they are pregnant. They may have been trying to conceive for a while and they have not yet conceived. They may also have recently been trying to conceive and they have not yet conceived. This is a common question that people ask themselves, and it is a good question to ask yourself as well.

In order to determine if you are pregnant, you will need to determine if you are having regular periods. If you are not having regular periods, then you may be pregnant or ovulating (when your body releases an egg). If you are not ovulating or not releasing an egg, then there is no way for your body to be able to become pregnant.

As a whole, you can always choose to go to the doctor and ask them to take a test for you. However, it is also possible to determine if you are pregnant without going to the doctor. It is possible to use a home pregnancy test. Furthermore, with the help of a tarot reading, you can determine if you are pregnant without having to visit a doctor. This is useful because it allows you to make an informed decision about your fertility without having to take a medical test.

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