Leo Weekly Forecast

MAR 21-APR 19

This week’s Leo is vital, so it will be in charge of your life, whether you like it. The problems that come up this week are all related to love, but don’t let them discourage you.

It would help if you remembered that this isn’t the time to hide away from your problems. It’s time to face them head-on. The only way you can deal with them is by taking action. That’s why this week’s advice is so important.

Leo is a powerful influence on your money this week, which means there will be some significant opportunities for cash. But this week you’ll have to be careful with your money because of all the other problems you’ll have to deal with.

You’ll probably be spending a lot of money this week, and it’s difficult for you to do that. But remember that this is a good thing; there will be some great opportunities coming up, so take advantage of them when they come up.

You’ll probably have more fun this week than usual, but don’t go overboard. Try not to spend more than you should on things like clothes and parties, because those things aren’t essential for your happiness.


Leo’s forecast is a little negative this week, but you should try to take it in stride. The way to deal with it is to use your imagination and be as positive as possible. That’s what this week’s advice is all about.

The most important thing you can do right now is to be honest about your feelings. Don’t deny that you have any feelings at all, even if they are the feelings that cause problems for you and everyone around you.

It’s best not to deny these feelings; it’s almost impossible not to refuse them at some point, but if you want to take action, this week is the time for honesty.


Leo is a significant influence on your career this week. You’re going to have a lot of opportunities this week, and we wouldn’t want it any other way. But it will not be easy for you to take advantage of these opportunities.

It may seem like everything is falling into place for you, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some problems that need to be dealt with first. For example, your boss will ask for more than what he gave last week, including some of your coworkers.

That means that someone will probably get angry with you this week, so be careful what you say or do when someone else is in a bad mood. You’re also going to get involved in conflicts with coworkers this week, so try to avoid those situations.


This week’s health forecast is looking good for Leo because Leo rules the heart chakra, where the heart is located. So Leo will help you keep your heart healthy.

This week’s advice will help you keep your heart strong all year long. It’s also going to help you get the exercise you need, so take advantage of this week’s good health forecast.

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