PlanetsAstrology Planets and Signs

July 5, 2022by Kim Ashiza0

Astrology is the study of planets and stars that make up the universe, as well as their effects on human life. It also studies various aspects of the solar system and some constellations such as zodiac signs.

Today’s modern version of astrology, in which the focus is more on planetary placements than zodiac signs, has been around for centuries. The main purpose of astrology is to determine the events that are likely to occur in your life.


Leo is the sign of the Sun. If you are born under this sign, you will have a warm personality and be a great friend to many people. You will be very generous and warm to everyone around you. However, if you are not careful, your warmth can lead to arrogance. This can cause problems in your personal life as well as with your professional life.


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Aries is the sign of the Moon. If you are born under this sign, you will have a magnetic personality that draws people towards you like a magnet draws iron filings towards a magnet. You will have a strong intuition that helps you in many areas of your life, including love, career and personal relationships.


The sign of Mercury is Gemini and Virgo. If you are born under this sign, you will have a dual personality that causes problems in your personal life and in your professional life as well.


Taurus and Libra are the sign of Venus. If you are born under this sign, you will have a warm personality that is loved by many people. You will also be very attractive to many people and may have problems in your personal life because of this.


Aries is the sign of Mars. If you are born under this sign, you will have a powerful personality that can cause trouble for other people in your personal life and in your professional life as well. You may also be seen as being too hot-headed and quick to anger.


The sign of Jupiter is Sagittarius. People of this sign are very optimistic and idealistic. However, people born under this sign may be seen as “dreamers” by other people who don’t understand them very well.


Capricorn is the sign of Saturn. You will have a serious personality that is not very social and is sometimes seen as cold and distant by other people. However, people born under this sign are very strong-willed and hardworking.


Aquarius is the sign of Uranus. People born under this sign are often unconventional and innovative. They are able to think outside the box and have great ideas that can help many people in many ways. However, they may be seen as eccentric by other people who don’t understand them very well.


Pisces is the sign of Neptune. Imagination and intuition are the two main qualities of people born under this sign. While they may be seen as “soft” by other people, they are very intelligent and can often have many ideas that can help many people in many ways.


Scorpio is the sign of Pluto. People born under this sign have a strong personality and a great deal of determination. They have a strong desire to achieve their goals and can make things happen for themselves. However, people born under this sign may also be too critical of others and often expect too much from others.

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