Online Tarot ReadingTarot: Will I Become Famous?

July 11, 2021by Kim Ashiza0

When it comes to tarot card readings regarding when exactly you will become famous, you might be wondering when you will become a celebrity. Will your success come after your tarot card reading?


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Fame and fortune are two things that often go hand-in-hand, especially when it comes to people who wish to become the next big thing in the media world, whether it be as a movie star, an athlete or otherwise.

Choose 2 Cards:

Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups is often referred to as the water card, however this can be confusing as the Ace of Cups in itself is not a water card. It is meant to represent a time period in which you will become famous. If you are looking to become famous then this card would be ideal for you, if not then it could mean that fame is not in the cards for you. For example, you could be looking to achieve something great in your life, maybe you want to be in the spotlight or become a super star. Maybe you want to perform music and make a name for yourself, or maybe you want to leave your mark on the world like Leonardo Da Vinci and design some of the world’s most incredible inventions. There are endless possibilities that could come about if you are looking towards the Ace of Cups to help you achieve fame, however it is more important to look at how you would react to achieving it.

The World

The World is a very strange card to see in relation to achieving fame, it can be seen as lying on the floor with stars and planets surrounding it. The World card suggests that you have a large following of people that will support you or cheer for you depending on how the card is drawn. When this happens then the stars and planets will spin around you like a tornado or tornado of support. This symbolizes how your popularity will grow and expand once you have been successful in your career. If the card is drawn in a position where the stars are above you then it symbolizes how you will be known around the world. If you are looking to achieve fame then seeing this card on your reading could indicate that it is happening for you and only you, meaning that other people will not be able to see it until much later.

The Sun

The Sun represents solar energy and is often seen as a positive association with fame, however this can also mean that you will become famous for being in the spotlight. The Sun is something that you will have to work hard for so it can be seen as a positive correlation. It can also represent how people will see you and follow you because of how brilliant or nice you are, or maybe they will just want to be around you because they like your personality. If this card comes up on your reading then the stars and planets around it are spinning but not much else is happening. This means that other people will not follow you but you are becoming a star in your own right.

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is a very powerful card, it suggests that you will break through the boundaries of your success and gain more and more attention for being amazing or brilliant. It can also be seen as a sword which is used to cut through the other cards and show how much attention you will attract once you become famous. If this card is drawn on your reading then it suggests that you will become a part of the spotlight and people will want to be around you. This is a very powerful card and can indicate how you will achieve success in your career if the card is drawn on any position. However, if the Ace of Wands are also drawn in positions where they are on fire then it means that fame could be burning through your life and causing a lot of damage or destruction as well.

Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is often seen as a peaceful card and is often used to represent relationships. It can also be seen as a motherly figure and how you will become rich and influential. The Queen of Cups card can also be seen as a woman who rules over all kinds of different aspects in your life, such as money, respect, fame, career or even love. If the Queen of Cups is drawn in a position where she is holding a crown then it means that you will achieve everything that you have set out to do. This could be something that people will notice or see coming from a distance and become fascinated by it. If the Queen of Cups is seen in a position with stars and planets around her then this means that you will become famous and be in the spotlight but there is more happening than just you being in the spotlight.

Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands can often be seen as a young, immature man but if it shows up on your reading then this can mean that you are looking to achieve fame at an early age. It can also be seen as a man who is very powerful and will do everything in order to achieve his goals. The Knight of Wands card can show how you will gain a lot of attention for being different or unique, and how people will begin to follow you after you have achieved fame. If the The Knight of Wands is drawn in a position where he is holding a sword then it means that you are going to become bigger than life. This could be because of all the attention that you have received or because of how incredible you are at what you do. The Knight of Wands can also be seen as a boy and is often seen as someone who is young but full of potential.

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords can represent many different things, depending on how it is drawn, however it can be seen as having a very powerful personality and being in control over everything that happens around her. It can also represent how you will become in charge of your own life if the card is drawn in a position where it is standing up or sitting down. It can also be seen as a woman who is very wise and knows exactly what she wants in life. When this card is drawn in a position where stars are around her then it means that you will achieve fame for being different or unique. However, if the card is also drawn in a position where it is surrounded by flames then this could mean that you are becoming very famous but there is something wrong with your career and you are being burnt out.

Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups can often be seen as a man who is very strong and will do whatever it takes in order to achieve his goals. It can also be seen as a male figure that will help you with your career or how you will be able to achieve success. The Knight of Cups can also represent how you will become famous and gain attention for being different or unique, however if the card is drawn in positions where it has flames on it then it can mean that you will have to fight for your career.

The Moon

The Moon is often referred to as the water card, however as we have already said that does not make it a water card. The Moon represents a time that you will be having fun, but it can also indicate a time where you are not doing so well. If this is the case then this would be ideal for you, but if not then maybe you should reconsider your plans or goals. For example, perhaps you are looking to start something new in your life. Maybe you want to leave your current job, or maybe you are looking to start a new relationship. Perhaps you are looking to make some changes in your life and you want to move house. Whatever the case may be, when the Moon is present it is important that you look at what is going on behind the scenes.

Three of Swords

The Three of Swords can mean many different things when it comes to tarot card readings for fame. It could mean that you do not have a choice in the matter as it is fate. You may be destined to become famous and this is something that you cannot fight against. The Three of Swords could also be telling you that you are not destined to become famous, but if it is then this can mean something else entirely. For example, you may be looking for fame or fortune to come your way, however something has got in the way and there is nothing you can do about it. Perhaps someone close to you has said no, maybe you have tried to achieve something and failed. Whatever the case may be, the Three of Swords can mean a lot of different things depending on how you look at it.

The Star

The Star is a very positive card when it comes to tarot card readings for fame, as this means that you are destined to become famous and this is something that you can not argue with. This does not mean that you will become famous overnight, but if this is what you are looking for then you will most likely achieve this. The Star can also mean that you are destined to achieve great things, or maybe it could simply mean that there is no fate in the cards for you. Regardless of what the case may be, if you would like to become famous then this card is one that you should look at when reading a tarot card read for fame.

The Lovers

The Lovers is very similar to the Three of Swords in that you are not destined to become famous, but if you look at it from a different angle it is possible that you are. The Lovers can mean many different things when it comes to tarot card readings for fame, but if you look at the meaning then you will see exactly what it is that the card is telling you. The Lovers can mean many different things depending on how you look at it, however as long as you look at it the way that it is meant to be looked at then you will understand what the card is trying to say. If you are looking for fame then this is the perfect card for you, but if not then perhaps there is another card that can help you achieve your goal.

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is another great tarot card reading for fame. The Wheel of Fortune can mean many different things in terms of your future, but depending on the way you look at it then there are two main meanings that can come about. If you are looking to become famous then this could be the perfect card for you. However, if not then perhaps there is something else in your future that will help you achieve your goal. For example, maybe you are looking to leave your home and start a new life in the country. Maybe you want to buy a new place, or maybe you are looking to purchase your dream home. Whatever the case may be, this card will tell you exactly what is going on behind the scenes. Look at the Wheel of Fortune as it comes up during your reading for fame and see what it tells you.

Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups can mean so many different things in terms of tarot card readings for fame. It could mean that you will be having a party, or perhaps it could just mean that you are having fun. The Ten of Cups can also indicate how well you are going to be doing in life, but depending on the meaning this could also mean that you will not be doing so well at all. Regardless of what the case may be, if you would like to become famous then you should look at the Ten of Cups when reading a tarot card for fame. There are so many different ways that this card can come about and it will determine exactly what is going on behind the scenes. Look to see if it is giving you any advice, or perhaps it will tell you to leave your current situation and start afresh somewhere new.


Justice is one of the most important tarot card readings for fame. Justice can mean so many different things depending on how you look at it, however when it comes to being famous then this means that you will be happy. Justice can also mean that you will achieve success, but this should not necessarily come as a surprise if you are looking to achieve fame. Regardless of what the meaning is, if you would like to become famous then this is one of the best cards for you, however if not then there could be something else that will help you achieve your goal. Look at the meaning of Justice as it comes up during a tarot card reading for fame and see what advice it is giving you.

The Hermit

The Hermit is another great card when it comes to tarot card readings for fame. The Hermit has a very specific meaning when it comes to this, however depending on how you look at it then there are many different meanings that it could be giving you. The Hermit can mean many different things when it comes to being famous, however if you are looking to become famous then this would be perfect for you. For example, perhaps you are looking for a new job, or maybe you have lost your job and are looking for something new. Perhaps you have just lost someone very important to you and are looking to start afresh somewhere new, or perhaps you want to move house. Whatever the case may be, the Hermit can mean many different things depending on how you look at it.

The Chariot

The Chariot is a very different tarot card when it comes to tarot card readings for fame, however when it comes to this card then there are many different meanings that can be given. If you are looking to become famous then there is nothing stopping this from happening, but if not then maybe something else will come your way instead. For example, if you are looking to become famous then the Chariot could mean that you will be traveling around the world and leaving your mark on different places. If this is something that you are currently planning to do then it would make sense for this card to appear in a tarot card reading, however if this is something that you have already achieved then it may not be coming through at all.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man tarot card can show up in a lot of different situations, however when it comes to your desire to be famous then it is most likely to appear in many different situations. The Hanged Man tarot card can show up when you are looking for fame or when something great is supposed to happen, but if you are not yet famous then this may not apply. For example, if you are looking to become famous then the Hanged Man could mean that nothing will come your way at all and you will have to wait a long time for fame to arrive. If you are not yet famous, then this may mean that you will achieve something great in your life that will leave a mark on the world like Leonardo Da Vinci.

The High Priestess

The High Priestess tarot card is often thought of as a bad omen, however when it comes to your desire to become famous then this could be the exact opposite. When it comes to being famous there are no bad omens whatsoever that you need to worry about, so if you are still struggling with the idea of becoming famous then maybe this would be worth thinking about. If you are looking towards the The High Priestess tarot card in a reading then it could mean that something good will happen to you soon, even if it is not something that you were expecting. It could also mean that fame is in the cards for you but perhaps it will be a very long time before it arrives.

The Fool

The Fool tarot card can show up in many different situations and when it comes to being famous then this could be a good omen. If you are looking towards the Fool tarot card in a reading then it may mean that you will achieve something great but it won’t be for some time. If you are not yet famous, then this could mean that fame will come your way soon but perhaps it will take some time before it arrives.

Add Tarot Cards Here


How can Tarot Cards confirm if you will become famous

Tarot cards will be able to stimulate your thinking and look at things in a different way. Many cards have a sense that can be tied to what you are thinking or hoping to see. Many people want to become famous by looking at the lifestyle of famous people and wanting to become one of them.

Pick two cards from the deck above while asking the right question about becoming famous and the cards will be able to share what your future is most likely going to be. You can pick cards several times and discover if what you had been thinking for a while is aligned with what the universe is ready to tell you right now.

If you’re interested in learning about the tarot cards that are associated with fame and fortune, then you might be interested to know that there are a few specific tarot cards that can help you predict whether or not you will become famous.

Will your dream come true?

Becoming famous should not be your ultimate goal, you will need to find a path towards success and becoming famous will simply be a benefit or reaching this objective. Think of skills you have or interests that you know could interest other people and start researching it and creating content either by writing or simply by posting on social media. A large portion of people becoming famous these days are social media influencers benefiting from the infinite reach offered by these platforms.

Will you become famous soon?

It is possible that an event could lead you to be famous overnight although most likely this would happen over time. You can certainly ask the cards to let you know how far you are from fame. A lot of people are hoping to become famous some day but only a few get there.

Being able to approach and learn from famous people will increase your chances to enter this club. Most famous people have benefited from the network of others in order to become a public personality. Think of the type of celebrities you associate the most with and start building content, doing research and attend event where you can exchange with the people who already made it.

Tarot cards are a great way to point you in the right direction and often to keep you motivated. Unfortunately, you will not become famous unless your tenacity is strong and you commit to spending a lot of time and energy to reach your goal.


We have come to the end of the list of tarot cards that are associated with fame and fortune. You can see that there are many different types of tarot cards that you can choose from, depending on what you are looking for.

If there is anything else that we may have missed or if there is anything else that you would like to know about, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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