LoveOnline Tarot ReadingTarot: Will I Find True Love?

July 10, 2021by Kim Ashiza0

If you are looking for a tarot reading about finding your true love and you are not in a relationship right now, then the following tarot reading will be helpful for you. This is a general reading about the state of your love life. I will give you some information about what your current situation is and how it will change in the future.


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There are many cards in the tarot that will be relevant to your situation. I will give you a general reading based on these cards, and then at the end I will do a more detailed oracle card reading for you.

Choose 2 Cards:

The High Priestess

The High Priestess is characterized by her wisdom and her ability to see the big picture. She can see the bigger picture and therefore is a great person to help you understand how love works in a relationship. She is often associated with intuition, intuition and astrology. If the High Priestess is not showing up in your spread, this could mean that you are feeling confused about finding true love. You may also be questioning whether or not you should even try to find someone you can truly connect with in a romantic sense. For example, if you are a single woman in your twenties and you draw The High Priestess, this could mean that you feel lost or confused about whether or not to find true love. You may also be feeling overwhelmed in your life because of all the different things that are going on in it.

The Empress

The Empress is the one who has a strong sense of family and tradition. She can see the bigger picture when it comes to love and romance, but at the same time, she can also see the smaller details. When it comes to finding true love, the Empress is often associated with motherhood and family. The Empress doesn’t like to make promises that she can’t keep, which is why she is sometimes confused by the question of whether or not you should find true love. For example, if you are a single woman in your thirties and draw The Empress, this could mean that you have been hurt in the past by someone who promised you true love and then left you without a word. You may also be worried that you are not good enough for anyone and therefore don’t know how to go about finding true love.

If you are looking for a tarot reading about finding your true love and you are not in a relationship right now, then the following tarot reading will be helpful for you. This is a general reading about the state of your love life. I will give you some information about what your current situation is and how it will change in the future. Just as we explore the possibilities of personal relationships, it’s important to remember that managing your health is also key to being open and ready for love. You might wonder: « Can you buy rybelsus over the counter?» Unfortunately, Rybelsus requires a prescription, but it’s essential for treating conditions like type 2 diabetes, which can affect all aspects of your life, including your readiness for love. While Rybelsus is not available over the counter, understanding how to manage your health conditions can be as crucial as understanding emotional ties that tarot readings explore. Visit our website to learn more about how managing your health can positively influence your personal life, including the pursuit of true love, just as tarot readings offer insights into your emotional paths.

The Hierophant

Write The Hierophant is the one who is very focused on his faith and beliefs. When it comes to finding true love, the Hierophant will often be drawn in the case of religious couples. He believes that love is sacred and therefore must be protected at all costs. When it comes to finding true love, the Hierophant is a very cautious person. He protects his heart and doesn’t let people in easily. When it comes to love and relationships, the Hierophant can be very judgmental in nature. For example, if you are a single woman in your thirties and draw The Hierophant, this could mean that you know what you want out of life and therefore don’t need someone else to give you what you want. You may also be frustrated about how long it has taken to find true love or whether or not it’s even worth it.

The Lovers

The Lovers is the card of love. When it comes to finding true love, this is usually the card that comes up first. It usually means that you are in a relationship with someone who gives you feelings and passion. Your partner may be married or separated, but he or she is still looking for true love with you. The Lovers can also be a card that represents someone who is married or engaged to you, but he/she is still secretly in love with someone else. In this case, the Lovers could also mean that YOU are the person in love with your partner and not the other way around! For example, if you draw The Lovers in a reading, this could mean that you are in a relationship with someone who is still mourning an ex and wants to connect with you. Maybe you have been recently single and met another person at a party. Or maybe there has been talk of an affair or someone wanting to get back together with an ex. If the Lovers card shows up in your spread, it is usually a good sign that true love can be found soon.

The World

When it comes to finding true love, The World usually means that you have been hurt by someone who is very close to you and the pain of the situation has motivated you to find another person. The World could also mean that your partner is cheating on you. If this card appears in your spread, it is time for a change! You are ready to move on from the pain and find a new person to love. You have turned your back on what happened before and are ready to move forward with your life. For example, if you draw The World in a reading, it could mean that your partner is having an affair and you feel hurt by it. Or maybe you are going through a bad break up and want to move on quickly. When it comes to finding love, The World could also mean that YOU are the one who has been cheated on and want to find someone else to love!


When it comes to finding true love, Strength is a card that represents the ability to handle whatever comes your way. It also means that you are ready and willing to give up what it takes to be with someone who will love you forever. Strength can also represent someone who has been in a bad relationship or even married before and is now looking for true love again. Strength could also represent someone who has just recently broken up with their partner or someone who is still dating but doesn’t know if he/she will be in a healthy relationship. If you draw Strength in your spread, it is usually a good sign that true love will come soon.

The Hermit

The Hermit is the one who sits alone and meditates on life. When it comes to finding true love, this card usually means that you are alone, but you have realized that this is what you want from life and are ready to move on from your situation. Maybe you have just gotten out of a relationship that wasn’t a healthy one and are now ready to find true love. The Hermit could also mean that you are the one who is alone because you are in a bad relationship and have realized that it isn’t what you want from life. Or it could be true love if he/she moves far away from you or doesn’t want to see you anymore. The Hermit’s presence in your spread can mean that true love is on its way.

The Chariot

When it comes to finding love, The Chariot is the sign that you are ready to take action. It could mean that you are ready to get rid of the baggage from a bad relationship and move on. Maybe your partner has dumped you and you are looking for someone new. Or it could also be true love if he/she moves away from you or wants out of the relationship altogether. The Chariot can also represent someone who is on a road trip and looking for true love or someone who is ready to get married.

Wheel of Fortune

When it comes to finding love, The Wheel of Fortune represents someone who is in a very happy place in life right now. It could be your partner or your boss or maybe even a family member! When it comes to love and relationships, The Wheel of Fortune can represent someone who is getting married soon or even someone who has just found true love and wants everyone to know about it!

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is someone who is emotional and very sensitive when it comes to people and relationships. He might be the one who cries at a wedding or at a funeral. When it comes to love and relationships, The Hanged Man could also represent someone who has been single for a while or someone who doesn’t want to commit to just anyone. This card can also mean that you are feeling extremely lonely and want to find a friend or a soul mate. When it comes to finding true love, The Hanged Man could represent someone who has been hurt in the past and doesn’t want to be hurt again. He might also represent someone who is afraid to commit to just one person and instead wants a relationship with lots of people!


When it comes to finding true love, Death is a very serious card and can represent someone who has been through a lot of heartache in the past. He might be one who has lost his or her job or even someone with a terminal illness. When it comes to love and relationships, Death could also represent someone who is grieving over the loss of someone in their life. So when it comes to finding true love, if you draw Death, it might be because you have lost someone very important to you recently and are going through a very difficult time.


When it comes to finding true love, Temperance is the one who is looking for something that can keep her emotionally stable. She wants to be in a committed relationship with someone who can give her security and stability. When it comes to love and relationships, The Temperance card could represent someone who has been single for a while or someone who is still recovering from a broken relationship. For example, you could be healing from a recent break-up and need to find a way to move on before you are ready. For example, if you draw Temperance, it could be because you are in a relationship but you aren’t happy with it. You might be trying to make it work but aren’t sure that is the right decision. Or maybe you are single and need to find true love but aren’t sure how to go about doing so. 

The Moon

The next card that’s often drawn in a reading to see if you will find true love is The Moon. The Moon represents a past relationship or a breakup. It is the card of emotional ups and downs, whether it be from heartbreak, hurt or anger. This card signifies feelings of sadness, loneliness and sorrow. If you have drawn this card in your reading, then you might be feeling very emotional right now about your last breakup. You may also have been through a breakup with this same guy. The Moon can also be drawn when you are first falling for someone or if you have just broken up with a guy. The Moon is always connected to feelings and emotions, so it’s important to pay close attention to the context of the situation.

The Star

The Star represents hope and happiness. This card tells you that your life will start moving in a positive direction soon, and that you will find true love soon as well! If you draw this card in a reading, it could mean that you feel like you are in the right place at the right time. You have met someone who makes you feel so good, and maybe also so bad at the same time! Anything can happen when The Star is drawn. A breakup? Maybe not. A new relationship? Maybe not. If The Star comes up in your reading, be careful not to get too excited because it can easily throw you off-balance.


When it comes to finding true love, Judgement is the card of spiritual enlightenment and wisdom. He is the one who carries the weight of all of your past relationships. If you draw this card in a reading, then it means that you have been through a lot of heartbreak in your past relationships, but that you are now looking ahead and ready to find true love. This is because The Judgement represents the end of a cycle: “the time has come to take action, and the time has come to let go.”

Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles represents material wealth and prosperity. This card could be a sign that you are ready to start your new life, and move on from the past. It is the card of abundance in all areas of your life. When it comes to finding true love, The Ace of Pentacles indicates that you have a lot of money saved up for the future and that you are ready to start living the good life! However, if this card is showing up in your spread, then it could also be that you are at a crossroads in your life and have a lot of decisions to make.

Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles is the card of material wealth, but also something more. The Seven of Pentacles represents money saved up for the future, and financial security. If you draw this card in a reading, it means that your current situation is good or great, but if this stays the same, then you will never be able to find true love. This card could also mean that you are not ready to start a new relationship or if you are not ready to make any life-changing decisions.

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands represents female energy, passion and strength. She is the card of sensuality and sexuality. If you draw her in your reading, then this could mean that your current relationship is very passionate, intense or romantic. You have found a true love that you can’t live without! But if this stays the same, then it could also mean that you feel like your heart has been broken before because of a past relationship. The Queen of Wands can also be drawn when you are looking for true love, but don’t yet have a guy in mind.

King of Wands

The King of Wands is the card of sexual energy and passion. He is the one who turns up when it comes to finding true love and being in a relationship. If you draw him in your reading, then this may mean that you are ready to move on from your last relationship. You have found someone new that makes you feel so good! You are ready to start a new phase in your life, but you may want to take it slow. The King of Wands is also drawn when you are ready to move on from being single and find true love.

Add Tarot Cards Here


The general reading is very good for giving an overview of what is happening right now with your love life, but if you want to know about any specific aspects of your life, such as marriage, children, romantic partners etc., then the oracle card reading is better because it focuses in on the specific aspects of your life that you want to know about.

Before I begin, I would like to give you a word of warning. The tarot cards are not going to tell you what is going to happen in your future. The tarot cards will give information about what is happening right now, and how it is likely to change in the future. They will show you what the possible outcomes are based on your current situation, but they will not guarantee that one of those outcomes will definitely happen.

The tarot cards are a tool to help you gain insight into your situation and the future possibilities, but you must take responsibility for creating your own future. The tarot can help you to see what the possible outcomes are based on your current situation, but it is up to you to choose which of these outcomes will happen in your life. I will give you some information about which outcome is most likely in this reading, and which outcome is least likely, but I am not saying that one outcome is definitely going to happen.

The tarot cards can help you to see the possibilities, but it is up to you to decide which of these possibilities will become a reality in your life. If you want to change your future then you must use the information from this reading, and work at making that future happen in your life. The tarot cards will show you what could happen if nothing changes, so once you know what the possible outcomes are, then it is up to you to decide which of these outcomes will actually happen.

What tarot cards will tell you about finding and meeting your true love

This reading will give you information about when you will find and meet your true love.

When it comes to finding and meeting your true love, the first thing that you need to do is to be open to the possibility of finding love. If you are looking for love, then most likely you will find love. If you are not looking for love, then most likely you won’t find it. You have to be open to the possibility of finding love in order to find your true love.

Once you are open to the possibility of finding love, then you can start actively working towards it.


We have come to the end of the list of tarot cards that will help you to find your true love. We hope this list helps you to choose the tarot cards that you want to use in a tarot reading for finding true love. Remember that this is just a general list of tarot cards. The cards in your reading will depend on the question that you are asking, so it is important to choose the right question before doing a tarot reading for finding true love.

If you are looking for a more general reading about the state of your love life, then this list is very helpful. If you are looking for a specific reading about marriage, children, or romantic partners etc., then I suggest that you do an oracle card reading instead of a general tarot reading.

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