Online Tarot ReadingTaurus Tarot Card Reading

June 30, 2021by Kim Ashiza0

The Taurus Tarot card is the second card in the Major Arcana and is associated with April. People born under the Zodiac sign of Taurus are typically very determined, cautious, patient and extremely independent. They have a great sense of pride and can easily be self-centered.


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They love beautiful things and are very materialistic in nature. They usually have a good memory, are honest, sensual, loyal and possessive. They love to travel and like being in the company of people from diverse backgrounds.

Taurus Tarot Card Reading Today

Choose 2 Cards:

The Fool

In this position, The Fool indicates that you are in a position to initiate a new direction, one that is just right for you. You are at the beginning of a long journey that will lead you where you want to go. This is a time to be adventurous and trust your intuition. You have all the tools you need within yourself to get started on the first step. Of course, there will be many more steps in the future, but this card tells you that this is where it all began for you. This card also represents new life or new beginnings.

The Magician

The Magician is in this position, showing that the power of creativity will be with you. You are able to conceive new ideas and to bring them into being. In fact, if you have ever been good at planning a party or a celebration, now is the time to get out your party hat and T-shirt gun. Or maybe you can use this energy to make your dreams come true in some other way. Creative energy is flowing freely through you and can be used in many ways, but it has to be put to use before it will fade away.

The High Priestess

The High Priestess is in this position, suggesting that you have been given divine guidance on all things spiritual. Your intuition is functioning most efficiently right now, and you may feel that you have had a divine revelation or have been given a special gift. It could be an ability to communicate with the divine or to heal, or it could be a heightened sense of what is supposed to happen. It is a very powerful position that will allow you to make momentous changes in your life and in the lives of others.

The Empress

In this position, The Empress represents a tender and loving woman who is very receptive and who has maternal instincts. Before making any move, she carefully considers all aspects of her situation. She knows that she will have many opportunities ahead of her and does not want to waste time making the wrong decision now. She may also be waiting for an opportunity to present itself before she moves ahead with her plans. She is preparing herself for children or even pregnancy right now, so she is very careful about what she eats and drinks as well as how much exercise she gets. She also takes care to protect herself from any germs that may be floating around in the air. The Empress has the gift of self-nurturing right now, so relax into it and take care of yourself.

The Emperor

The Emperor represents strength, authority, order and control right now. Your actions are guided by reason and intellect rather than emotion or intuition. This card can indicate that you are in a position of power over others right now, perhaps in your job or your home life. You may feel this way yourself if someone else is telling you what they want you to do (and if you listen to them). You may also feel this way if you are more powerful than usual in some other way. This card can also indicate that you are feeling more confident and are able to take control of your emotions and impulses. This is a very strong position to be in because it gives you the power to create a life that works for you.

The Hierophant

In this position, The Hierophant represents an authority figure who has special knowledge and wisdom. You may need the help of such a person right now, or there may be one in your life who has a special interest in you. This person is good at teaching others, but doesn’t like to be challenged or questioned. In fact, the information that he has is so valuable that he doesn’t want anyone else to know about it. It could be a secret project or connection that you have with someone who is enlightened or highly evolved.

The Lovers

The Lovers are in this position, showing that attraction between two people will play an important role in your life over the next few weeks. You will probably have opportunities for romance and perhaps even marriage as long as you aren’t expecting too much from a new relationship. At any rate, love is on your mind right now, but it’s not necessarily romantic love; it could also be love for humanity or nature.

The Chariot

This card indicates progress and success in all areas of your life over the next few weeks. You may be able to make big plans or take big steps in the near future. In fact, you have all the power you need right now to get exactly what you want. If you’re not careful, however, your energy and enthusiasm can lead you too far ahead of others.


The Strength card in this position signifies that you are in a position to help someone who is emotionally or physically weak. Do you have the ability to respond when someone needs help? You might get this chance soon. This is a simple, everyday act of kindness that would cost you little but could mean so much to someone else. It’s not always easy to do this, because we often have our own priorities and agendas. However, it’s precisely at these times when we must rise above ourselves and do what is necessary to help others. Sometimes it takes courage and strength to give of yourself, but it also can bring great rewards.

The Hermit

This card signifies that you may be about to undergo an important transformation. It may be only a temporary withdrawal, but it could be a significant one. If you are going through a challenging time, it will be very helpful to have a trusted friend or counselor in whom you can confide. Someone with wisdom and experience may come into your life just at the right moment. This person will give sound advice and encouragement.

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune indicates that there is something new in the offing, although you may not be able to see what it is just yet. Perhaps it’s a new job, or maybe a new relationship is about to begin. It could also be an unexpected windfall of some kind. Your life could take an exciting turn, but at the moment it’s hard to see what is happening. Keep your eyes open and remain alert to anything that may be coming down the pike.


The Justice card in this position signifies that you may be called upon to mediate a dispute or settle a controversy. You may have the opportunity to step in and make things right for one side or the other. If you have been involved in a dispute or disagreement, this would be an excellent time to seek a resolution. You could also take the role of arbitrator for someone else’s problem.

The Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man appears here, you could be forced to endure some sort of sacrifice in order to achieve your goals. It won’t necessarily be easy, but it will be worth it. You have already made a commitment to yourself and to your future that cannot be broken. This is a very positive card in that it represents the kind of courage and determination that eventually leads to success. If you are willing to pay the price, the reward will be well worth it.


When this card appears in this position, you may have just experienced a loss or you may be concerned about the possibility of one in the near future. It’s important not to take this too seriously, however. You are more likely to feel sad about it than truly devastated. This is only an aspect of life that we all must experience at some point or another. The only way to get through it with your head held high is to accept your feelings and not to be afraid to express them. This is a time for healing, not for suffering in silence.


When this card appears in this position, you may have just made a decision that is very close to your heart. You could also be about to do so or you could have just received good advice about it. Either way, it will be an important choice or decision that involves the heart, so make sure you take your time with it and make the right choice for you. You could find that the changes you are making will benefit many others along the way.

The Devil

If The Devil appears in this position, you may feel that someone has been manipulating you for their own benefit. This could be a boss, a manager or someone in authority who is using his or her power to get what they want. This card also suggests that you could be manipulating others for your own personal gain. If this is so, it’s important to remember that you can’t do this forever without paying a price. At some point you will have to come clean and deal with the consequences of your actions.

The Tower

The Tower in this position is an indication that you need to take a good look at your life and your goals. You may be experiencing a setback or some sort of trauma. A dark period is upon you, but at the same time, you are being presented with a magnificent opportunity to make changes that will enable you to grow stronger and wiser than before. This crisis is an initiation, an opportunity for you to discover new resources within yourself. If you can accept this crisis, not as a curse but as a gift, it will lead to wisdom and maturity. What is happening now is not necessarily bad; it just looks like it.

The Star

In this position, The Star represents the fulfillment of hopes and dreams. You will be greatly rewarded when your faith and trust are placed in the right person or thing. This position indicates that you have worked hard, and even if there is no immediate reward, you will eventually reap the benefits of your efforts. You deserve a break now; give yourself permission to have fun and enjoy life to its fullest. Don’t be afraid to let your hair down and just have fun for once! The world has been too serious for too long – it’s time for some fun!

The Moon

In this position, The Moon represents confusion, deception, and illusion. It can also indicate sleepwalking through life, or simply being lost in a fog. This card represents the unconscious mind at work: dreams, hidden fears, intuition. It also represents the past influencing the present.

The Sun

In this position, The Sun represents clarity, insight, truth and understanding. This card symbolizes enlightenment and happiness. It also represents the conscious mind at work: logic, reasoning, memory. This card symbolizes joy and good health. It is a card of vitality and life force. The Sun also represents confidence and optimism. This position is one of clarity and self-knowledge; it may be a time when you are getting in touch with your real feelings for the first time in a long while. You may suddenly realize that you have been in love with someone for a long time without knowing it! Your feelings could be quite strong now – possibly overwhelming – but in the end, you will learn to be more in touch with your feelings.


In this position, Judgement indicates a time of transformation and change. You may find yourself moving into a new phase of life. Some sort of death or completion is coming that will free you to move on to something new. This card can indicate spiritual awakening and/or an awareness of the truth behind any situation. This card can also indicate that you are making a fresh start in life. You may be getting rid of old habits or old ways of looking at things, and finding new ways to approach your life.

The World

In this position, The World represents fulfillment, attainment, success and completion. Whatever you have been working for all your life is now within reach. This is a time of great satisfaction in the material world. You may be rewarded with financial or other material gains. You may also be coming to the end of a project that has taken years to complete. The World also indicates that you are entering a new phase in life: it’s time to move on and let go of what you have been holding onto – even though it was important to you. You are ready for new adventures, new challenges, new relationships and a whole new way of looking at things!

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands in this position represents a fresh start, an exciting beginning, or the potential for creative expression. Such a beginning may seem overly optimistic; yet, with this card in the position, you have the chance to do something that will have a lasting impact. How you go about doing it is up to you. You may want to take some time to assess your situation and make some plans before beginning a new endeavor. When you are acclimated to your new surroundings, then take action!

Two of Wands

The Two of Wands in this position represents help from someone who is more knowledgeable than you. This person may offer you advice that will take your project in a direction you couldn’t have imagined. The advice may not always be what you want to hear, but it’s important to listen and learn from this person. You may want to take the time to ask questions, and then decide if what you’ve been told is applicable or not. If the information is useful, then put it into action as soon as you can.

Three of Wands

The Three of Wands in this position suggests that there is room for growth and expansion in your life; more resources are available than before. This card represents an opportunity for growth due to positive circumstances such as an inheritance, a promotion at work or an increase in income. You are in a position to expand your horizons and pursue new interests. The possibilities are unlimited, but you must make the decision to pursue the ones that are right for you.

Four of Wands

The Four of Wands in this position represents the pursuit of your goals, a new path for your life. What are those goals? How do you want to accomplish them? Both questions need to be answered before you begin on your journey. After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, then how will you know when you get there? This is a time for reflection and contemplation as well as a time for action. Think about what is truly important to you before taking action so that it will be meaningful and rewarding.

Five of Wands

The Five of Wands in this position represents competition, possibly with someone who is close to you. You may find yourself working with this person or against him or her. If you are working together, then make sure that you are communicating well and supporting each other’s efforts. If you are competing against one another, then make sure that your goal is clearly defined and that you have a strategy for the pursuit of it. This isn’t the best time for personal conflict; rather, it’s time to work together to achieve a common goal.

Six of Wands

The Six of Wands in this position suggests that there is an increase in activity and communication in your life; travel may be involved. This is a time for planning and future thinking. The more you think about your situation and where you want to go, the better able you will be to get there. Taking a trip may help you to understand what is going on in your life right now. You may be able to see things in a new way or make connections that weren’t apparent before. This is an opportunity to grow and develop; don’t waste it!

Seven of Wands

When the Seven of Wands appears in this position there is a good chance of gaining a (or perhaps the) promotion at work. You may be asked to take on more responsibility, to be promoted to a managerial level. This card can also mean that you will be asked to take on more responsibility at home. There is usually an element in this situation of being given something big to do for someone important, and then being expected to deliver. It can also mean that you will receive recognition for your work or efforts. This card can represent earning a specific honor or award.

Eight of Wands

When the Eight of Wands appears in this position there may be some kind of confrontation or disagreement with someone in authority. It is possible that you will be asked to do something that you feel is either too much or too little, or that you don’t want to do. Perhaps a situation has come up in which you have been asked to compromise your own standards so as not to disappoint someone else. Or perhaps the situation is one in which you are afraid of disappointing someone else. The challenge here is to face the reality of the situation and not allow fear of making a mistake or disappointing someone else keep you from speaking up for yourself.

Nine of Wands

When the Nine of Wands appears in this position it can indicate a time when you came up against adversity and were able to actively respond instead of just react. Perhaps there was something going on that required a lot of energy and effort. Perhaps you were working toward a goal and had to defend your position or someone else’s. When this card comes up in a reading it can also mean that you will have an opportunity to be an activist. This can be either at home or at work, but in any case it can be a time when you are fighting for something important, something that will help the greater good.

Ten of Wands

When the Ten of Wands appears in this position it is a sign that you have taken on too much. You may find yourself working too hard and not being able to keep up with everything. You may feel overwhelmed or feel that you are failing to do something well enough. This card can indicate a time when you are feeling as though you are being worked too hard and not appreciated enough. It can also indicate a time when your boss or someone at work has asked you to take on more than is reasonable, or even more than is humanly possible! This card can also mean that you have taken on more than your share of responsibility at home as well.

Page of Wands

When the Page of Wands appears in this position, you are being asked to be more assertive and opinionated. You may be asked to voice your opinion in a situation that you have been hesitant to confront. When this card comes up in a reading it can also mean that someone is coming into your life who will encourage you to be more outspoken, more assertive and more confident in your ideas and opinions. This person can help you speak up for yourself, giving you the confidence and the ability to be more open with others. This card can also indicate that you will work on developing these qualities in yourself.

Knight of Wands

When the Knight of Wands appears in this position it is likely that there will be some kind of celebration or party scheduled soon. You may be asked to attend a wedding or a birthday party or some other kind of social event. When this card comes up in a reading it can also mean that you will be asked to take part in a celebration. If this is the case, then enjoy yourself and have a good time! This card also suggests that you are about to embark on an exciting journey, one that involves travel and new experiences. There can also be an element of mystery involved with this journey, possibly some surprises!

Queen of Wands

When the Queen of Wands appears in this position it is likely that you will receive some kind of recognition for your efforts or for your achievements. You may be nominated for an award or asked to give a speech at a gathering. When this card comes up in a reading it can also mean that you will be asked to take on a leadership role in some way. It could mean that you will be asked to give a presentation at work or to develop some kind of project. This can also be the case when this card appears in a reading about your career or your professional life.

King of Wands

When the King of Wands appears in this position there is likely to be some kind of confrontation or misunderstanding coming up with someone you work with, someone who is above you on the job ladder. You may feel as though they are being unreasonable or that they are treating you unfairly. When this card comes up in a reading it can also mean that work-related responsibilities will increase. There may be more pressure or more work to do. This card can also mean that you will be asked to take on a leadership role at work.

Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups represents a very pure state of love that is unconditional. This is the highest emotional expression of the suit. In this position it suggests that love is beginning to play an important role in your life. You are being drawn toward an intimate relationship with someone who can provide you with exactly what you need. Your good intentions will be rewarded by a loving response and you will be able to give your heart to someone who completely accepts you, flaws and all.

Two of Cups

In this position, the Two of Cups suggests a time to open your hearts, let go of old fears, and find the courage to express your feelings. This may not be easy because there may still be some residual fear from past relationships or the possibility that you could be hurt again. Even so, you have a strong desire to experience more love in your life. To make this happen, you must first open up and allow yourself to be vulnerable to another person.

Three of Cups

The Three of Cups can signify a joyful celebration that brings the people in your life closer together. It can also indicate the arrival of a new baby or other important event that will bring great happiness and joy to everyone involved. This card can also mean marriage, but it’s important to note that the Three of Cups is not necessarily a happy card when it appears in a tarot reading for marriage or partnership. It’s possible that the relationship has some serious issues. The couple may be drifting apart; they may even have grown apart as friends, and as a result have nothing in common anymore. The possibility of divorce can also be indicated by this card.

Four of Cups

In this position, the Four of Cups suggests that you need to take some time to heal from past wounds or disappointment. It’s possible that your feelings have been hurt deeply and you may feel resentful or bitter. You may withdraw from your usual activities or social life to lick your wounds in private. This is not necessarily a bad thing; it can give you time to heal and become stronger emotionally. When you do re-engage with others, avoid getting entangled in an argument or conflict; keep your responses light and positive.

Five of Cups

The Five of Cups is a card of great sadness. It often indicates the end of a relationship. There is also the possibility that you will be left to grieve alone after a loss or disappointment. In many ways, it is a card of reflection and acceptance. You may be tempted to deny the loss or bury your feelings, but this card encourages you to mourn openly and honestly. Even as you feel sad, you can be thankful that the loss has been removed from your life.

Six of Cups

In this position, the Six of Cups can indicate an unexpected reunion with someone who has been absent from your life for some time. This person may be from your past or it could even represent a new friendship that develops out of an old one. It’s important to remember that just because someone is back in your life does not mean that they will stay. In fact, this card often suggests that a reunion is only temporary. Enjoy the time you have together, but don’t make any long-term plans!

Seven of Cups

When the Seven of Cups appears in this position, it can indicate that you are offered temptation or opportunity. The decision whether or not to act upon this is up to you. You may find yourself confronted by an offer or decision that will take you into unfamiliar territory. It may be tempting to accept the offer and try something new, but remember that the Seven of Cups is a card of illusion and deceit. It’s important to listen to your intuition and use common sense before making any decisions. The information may be false or misleading. The choice is yours.

Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups in this position challenges you to outgrow ‘victim consciousness.’ In order to empower others who have been hurt (or parts of yourself), it’s necessary to take responsibility and to become more assertive. Learn to look out for yourself. We all have a vulnerable side that can be intimidated. In the best of all worlds we would not get bruised and discouraged so easily. In truth, however, it sometimes takes a setback to teach us to be more alert to danger. This card evokes a keen self-awareness and the knowledge that things are not as simple as they seem. Once you appreciate this, you can gain strength even from a complicated, painful experience.

Nine of Cups

In this position, the Nine of Cups suggests that you’re feeling a little bored with life and may be having trouble finding your niche. It’s not that you aren’t happy; it’s just that you aren’t really excited about anything. You’re not feeling overly optimistic, but neither are you feeling pessimistic. You have faith that everything will work out just fine in the end, but you don’t feel compelled to ‘make things happen’ or to take charge of your destiny. It’s time to move on and seek out challenges and experiences that can excite and inspire you again. Before long, life will be much more interesting than it is now!

Ten of Cups

When the Ten of Cups is in this position, you may be feeling a little smug about your achievements and pleased with yourself. You’re experiencing a sense of completion and balance in your life. This is a good time to reflect on your relationships, health, job, home and family situation. Are you feeling satisfied with what you have? If not, what are you planning to do about it? Do you think that perhaps you’ve grown complacent or stagnant? This is an ideal time to plan for the future.

Page of Cups

When the Page of Cups comes up in a reading for someone who is very creative and intuitive, this card can suggest that there is a possibility of artistic expression. In some cases it could indicate that there will be news from Europe or Asia which will be brought to you by a younger relative.

Knight of Cups

When the Knight of Cups (in some decks, a Prince) is in this position, something or someone that was lost from your life may be returning. It could be an influence or a memento. It could also be a person coming back from a journey, one that separated from you long ago. A cup of wisdom, initiation or awakening will be presented to you. Some great clarity has been achieved which can be transferred to others. This journey, a formidable sacrifice for the one who took it, will now be beneficial to those who stayed home. Be prepared to welcome the weary traveler and be open to the message that is being delivered to you.

Queen of Cups

When the Queen of Cups is in this position, you may be feeling very compassionate and nurturing towards others. You’re in a mood to help others who are in trouble, and to lend a listening ear to anyone who has a problem. It’s important for you to remember that everyone needs help sometimes, and that it’s not always possible to take on the troubles of the world yourself. You’re not really interested in taking care of other people; all you want is to be there and offer your love and support whenever it’s needed.

King of Cups

When the King of Cups is in this position, you’re feeling secure and optimistic about your future. You’re feeling protective of those you care about, especially if they are less fortunate. You’re also feeling very generous and willing to share your time and energy with others. You may be working hard to give everyone a good life, but it’s difficult for you to say no when someone asks for your help. If this is the case, be sure you’re not taking on too much. Life is an ongoing learning experience, and you have much to learn about setting limits with yourself and with others.

Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords in this position indicates that you will receive some valuable insight into some situation that has been troubling you. You may have been seeking answers to your questions for some time, and this card is a sign that they are soon to be revealed. There may be something hidden that is now revealed, or new information will come from an unexpected source. Be open to the information and learn how it can benefit you. This card also indicates a breakthrough in logic and thought processes. You may understand a situation differently than before, or perhaps you will suddenly see things from a different viewpoint entirely.

Two of Swords

The Two of Swords in this position is symbolic of an inner conflict within yourself. Since there are two swords in this card, you may have feelings of conflict between two different goals or ideas. There is a decision to be made, and the outcome of that decision could be detrimental to your happiness if you choose the wrong path. You must try to see all sides of the issue and make your decision based on clear thought, not emotion. Don’t rush into this choice, as it will affect you for some time to come.

Three of Swords

The Three of Swords in this position indicates that your mind may be preoccupied with sad or stressful thoughts. There is a deep sense of sorrow within you right now. You have been hurt by someone important to you, but there is nothing you can do about it now except learn from the experience and move on. The pain of this betrayal or loss will remain with you for some time, but it may be eased by focusing on your internal strengths and the positive aspects of your life.

Four of Swords

The Four of Swords in this position indicates a time of rest and relaxation. You may be feeling physically or emotionally exhausted, or you could have been working hard on a project without taking much time off. Whatever the cause, this card indicates that you now have the opportunity to wind down and take it easy for a while. If you don’t take some time to relax, you may find yourself sick with stress or illness later on. Take some time off to relax, even if it is just for a few minutes each day. It will be worth it in the long run.

Five of Swords

The Five of Swords in this position indicates that you may be feeling some regret or remorse over something you have done. You may have hurt another person or made a poor decision, and now you are paying the price for it. Regret is not helpful, as it will not change what happened or make things better. Instead, look at why this mistake was made and why these feelings came up. This will allow you to move on and prevent future mistakes from being made in the future.

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords in this position indicates a time when you will feel carefree and happy, regardless of any obstacles that may stand in your way. There may be some difficult times in the future, but for now you should focus on enjoying yourself and all that life has to offer. If you have been struggling with depression or anxiety, this card may indicate that those feelings are starting to lift. You are starting to see life’s simple pleasures again.

Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords in this position indicates that you have been frightened by something or someone in your life. There may be a person who is trying to manipulate or scare you for their own purposes, but you will not let them take advantage of you like this. You are too intelligent to be led around by someone else’s opinions and fears. This card also indicates a time when a plan will fail miserably and leave you laughing. You may have had this dream of how something would happen, but when it actually does, you are left in shock and disbelief.

Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords in this position indicates that you have been feeling trapped or confined by your situation. You may have been stuck in a rut, and now you are ready to break free. You may need to take some time for yourself and gather your thoughts. This card may also indicate a loss of freedom, such as being held prisoner or being confined in some manner. Now is the time to make a decision that will give you the freedom that you desire.

Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords in this position indicates that there is something weighing heavily on your mind, causing you to be filled with worry and anxiety. You may be suffering from insomnia because of these feelings, or perhaps you are suffering from depression. There are some things that you just can’t control, and you must learn to accept them. Learn to see them as a challenge, and the experience will be good for you in the long run.

Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords in this position indicates that a loss is imminent. You may have been expecting some bad news, and now it has come. A loss of a life-long dream or a family member may be at hand, but do not give up hope. This card may also indicate that you will suffer from extreme disappointment in some situations. Be careful about making any kind of risky investment at this time, as it could result in total loss. You can expect to have a period of mourning when this happens.

Page of Swords

The Page of Swords in this position indicates that you will receive some important news. Be careful to keep this information to yourself, as it is not for the ears of others at this time. This card may also indicate a message from someone who is far away, or it may represent a letter that you have written yourself. You may be eager to hear from someone in particular at this time, but be careful about your own feelings and emotions concerning this person. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment when making decisions.

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords indicates swift action and the ability to make quick decisions. You are full of energy and ready to take action on your ideas and impulses. Now is the time to take action on the things that you have been planning. Events will move quickly in your life, and you must be prepared to keep up with them. There may be some problems with a quick temper or impatience at this time, so it is important not to make any rash decisions.

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords indicates that you are a strong-willed person who is capable of making difficult decisions when necessary. You have high standards for yourself and others, and you expect everyone to live up to these high standards. You are an intelligent person who enjoys learning new things, and you will often be found with your nose in a book. This card may also indicate a woman in your life who has these qualities, or perhaps this person will be working with you in some capacity.

King of Swords

The King of Swords indicates that you will have a strong desire for intellectual stimulation. You enjoy talking about ideas, learning about new things, and sharing your knowledge with others. You may be involved in a school or community project that requires your attention at this time. This card may also represent a man in your life who has these qualities, or perhaps this person will be working with you in some capacity.

Ace of Pentacles

When the Ace of Pentacles shows up in this position, it means that you have found a way to share your vision and your resources with the world. You are becoming known for your talent, skills and generosity in sharing them. The Ace of Pentacles indicates an abundance of resources, creative energy, wealth or other good things that are available to you. It’s also a card about good luck that will reward you for what you put into the world. You can make a difference in this situation through your own efforts or by taking advantage of an opportunity.

Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles in this position is a card about hard work and perseverance paying off. It’s also a card about cooperation with others and being willing to share with others. It’s a card that evokes the importance of planning for the future and making wise choices. You have to be strategic and practical in how you set about reaching your goals. In addition, you have to share in order to succeed. This card is a reminder that whatever we gain in life is always at the expense of someone else, so it behooves us to be fair and honest.

Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles indicates that you are on the verge of a creative breakthrough or a financial windfall due to your own efforts or good luck. You might find a way to earn money through artistic talent or developing new skills or by taking advantage of an opportunity. Or you could receive an unexpected financial gift or inheritance. At any rate, this is a card about money coming to you in some positive way. It’s also a card about being able to find fulfillment and happiness within yourself and not by becoming overly dependent on others.

Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles in this position is a reminder that there is always more than one way to solve your problems and get what you want. It’s also a card about finding a creative solution to your financial problems. You might use your ingenuity in order to turn a negative situation into a positive one. This is an opportunity for you to be very resourceful in making the best use of the tools and resources available to you. In addition, this is an invitation for you to get what you want in life by taking advantage of the opportunities that come your way.

Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles in this position indicates that you are experiencing a loss or disappointment. You might be feeling grief over a loss or grieving the loss of someone who is dear to you. This card can also indicate that you have suffered some financial setback. You might be feeling shock or numbness over the loss or disappointment. It’s important not to let your depression get the best of you, but to take it as an opportunity for growth and learning what doesn’t work for you in life. It’s also time for you to grow up and get on with your life’s work.

Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles shows that you have overcome a difficulty and are moving ahead with your plans. This card indicates that you have successfully found a way to turn a negative situation into a positive one. It’s also an invitation to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way in order to create what you want in life. In addition, it’s an indication that hard work will be rewarded this year. This card is about using your resources wisely and achieving your goals by being skillful and resourceful in how you set about doing so.

Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles shows that there is something missing from your life or there is some void that needs filling. You are feeling unsettled or impatient, as if you cannot find the place where you belong or the niche you are meant to fill. You are feeling unfulfilled. It’s a card about being unable to wait for things to happen on their own, or it’s a card about being unable to let go of something that no longer serves you well. If you can take time out from your busy schedule and reflect on what is missing in your life, this is the perfect time for you to make changes and create new beginnings.

Eight of Pentacles

When the Eight of Pentacles comes up in this position, you are working hard and doing well. Your financial investments are paying off and your hard work is being rewarded. If there are problems, they are not insurmountable. You are in a very good position to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way, and you may even be able to enjoy some measure of success without having to work hard at it. This is an auspicious card that indicates ease in accomplishing a goal. Make the most of this opportunity to make progress toward your objectives.

Nine of Pentacles

When the Nine of Pentacles comes up in this position, you are making steady financial progress toward your goals. Perhaps a situation has developed that allows you to move ahead. If there are obstacles, they are not insurmountable, and you can work around them with little effort. Your finances and your general well-being may be so satisfactory that even those close to you will benefit from your good fortune. This card often signifies an inheritance.

Ten of Pentacles

When the Ten of Pentacles comes up in this position, you have earned the right to a break from your daily routine. You have worked hard and set aside money for just such an occasion. It’s time to do something special for yourself or for someone you care about. This card indicates the kind of happiness that comes from giving pleasure to others as well as yourself. Maybe it’s time to treat yourself or someone else to some kind of special trip or gift. The joy you give will be returned to you.

Page of Pentacles

When this card comes up in this position, you are being rewarded for your hard work. You may have been working hard behind the scenes to bring about a particular result, and your efforts have finally paid off. Now is the time to reflect on all you have accomplished and feel good about it. This card signifies the success that comes from effort and determination–the longer you work at something, the greater your reward will be. Now is a time for celebration!

Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles comes up in this position when you are working hard on an important project–or several projects–that demand a lot of energy. You may be trying to take advantage of an opportunity that is available only for a limited time. You are a hard worker and your efforts are finally paying off. If you have been putting in long hours with no real progress to show for it, you may be frustrated and discouraged now. But this card indicates that your hard work is about to pay off. Your projects will all come together and you will see tangible evidence of your progress toward your goals.

Queen of Pentacles

In this position, the Queen of Pentacles indicates that you are making steady financial progress toward your goals, and that you are able to enjoy the fruits of your labors as well as the work itself. You may have some concerns about what others think of you because of your success, and you may be feeling pressured to show off. You might be tempted to take on a little too much, then have trouble juggling all your responsibilities. It’s important to give yourself some breathing space now.

King of Pentacles

When the King of Pentacles comes up in this position, you are feeling good about your financial situation and prospects. You are enjoying the fruits of your labors and there is evidence that this will continue for some time. If you have been working hard at building wealth or at improving your financial well-being, you are feeling rewarded for your efforts now. You may be experiencing some degree of satisfaction from having material security and comfort in your life. If so, take a moment to enjoy it.

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About the Taurus Zodiac

The Taurus Zodiac sign falls between the dates of April 21st and May 21st. The element associated with this zodiac sign is Earth. People born under this sign are usually very practical, hard working and have a great eye for beauty. They are typically very organized and loyal in nature. They are self-centered, stubborn in nature and love to be in the company of people they can trust. They are also very successful at what they do and love to spend their money on beautiful things. They like to travel around the world and love good food.

In addition to all the above mentioned traits, the Taurus is also very patient and determined in nature. They are quite intelligent and brilliant thinkers and have a great sense of humor. They have a very strong connection to their family and friends.

What does the Taurus symbol mean?

Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac and is represented by the astrological symbol of a Bull. Taurus is a fixed Earth sign meaning that this sign will never change. The emerald green color of the Bull represents the Earth element, and it is also one of two fixed signs in astrology. This means that Taurus has an affinity with Earth, as well as with practical matters and material possessions.

The Taurus symbol itself is the Bull. A large and powerful creature that can be extremely dangerous if cornered or provoked, but is also considered a sign of strength, fertility and stamina. Much like the other Earth signs (Capricorn and Virgo), Taurus is reliable and dependable and knows how to get things done. They are also considered practical, patient, determined and hard working individuals who love the outdoors.

What does the Taurus Rising Sign mean in Astrology?

When an individual has their rising sign of Taurus they are said to have a ‘Fixed Ascendant’. It is a common misconception that a person’s Sun sign is what will determine their personality. However, the rising sign in astrology is just as important as the Sun sign due to the fact that it describes an individual’s temperament and how they will act in certain situations.

With a Taurus rising sign, people are said to be extremely stubborn and steadfast when it comes to achieving goals. They are also very patient and have excellent attention to detail. Those who have Taurus as their rising sign are also said to have an innate ability to put others at ease and are good listeners.

This symbol indicates that those who have Taurus rising will most often be very faithful lovers who are loyal with partners and family members alike. They will typically be health conscious individuals who make healthy choices for themselves first before considering others. This is because they can sometimes lack empathy for others, however they do possess great generosity for themselves as well as for others around them. Those born under the Taurus rising sign love being outdoors regardless of the weather, and can often be found gardening or cooking in their own kitchen if given the opportunity.

What is the Taurus ruling planet?

The Taurus ruling planet is Venus. Venus rules the Zodiac sign of Taurus and governs beauty, love, luxury and romance. It also rules the female gender as well as the planet Earth. The Romans called Venus “Aphrodite”, representing her powers over love and desire.

Venus governs Taurus because she also rules the sign of Libra, and Libra is considered the sign of balance. Libra is the seventh sign in the zodiac, while Taurus is the second. Also, Taurus is considered a masculine sign, and Venus and her ruling planet are linked to both male and female gender, as well as to love, harmony and balance.

Which Tarot card represents Taurus?

The symbol of Taurus is represented in the Tarot by The Empress card. The Empress card represents fertility, creation and nurturing and is also a mother figure or a woman in power. The Empress is all of these things and represents the sign of Taurus both physically (as a woman) and also in terms of her ability to create with her mind.

The Empress card also corresponds to Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty, which again ties in with the sign of Taurus as Venus rules over Taurus.

The number associated with the sign of Taurus is 2, as they are ruled by the planet Venus which has a double orbit around the sun (like all planets except for Mercury).

Taurus Tarot Card Meanings

In the Universal Waite Tarot deck, the Taurus Tarot card is depicted as a woman sitting on a throne beside her bull. The woman is wearing green clothes and has long, curled hair. The bull by her side is looking at her lovingly. In the background, there are mountains covered with trees and flowers. This card symbolizes self-control, stability, sensuality, materialism and great fortune. It also represents beauty in all things; love of nature; good health; perfection in one’s physical appearance; long life; patience; determination; hard work; practicality and persistence; loyalty in love; steadfastness in one’s endeavors and achievements in life.

This card can also represent one’s relationship with his/her parents or children as well as one’s attitudes towards money or wealth. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates that good luck may be just around the corner for you or that you may be getting a sign of good fortune in the days to come.

This card also indicates that there are certain tasks in your life that will require great patience and determination. These tasks may be related to money, wealth, career or business. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the specific details surrounding this card before taking any action.

What does my Taurus Tarot reading mean?

A reading that contains both positive and negative cards indicates that you need to stop thinking so much about what you could do or achieve, and just get on and do it. You also need to be more understanding of other people’s needs, particularly people who are close to you.

People who come across as being quiet or shy could actually have a lot to say if they were given the chance, so don’t assume that someone is shy because they aren’t talking, but rather take the time to get to know them and you will probably be pleasantly surprised at what you discover.

You may also find yourself getting angry or frustrated with situations that don’t make sense to you. This is a good sign as it shows that you are starting to think about things more deeply and this can lead to increased creativity and spirituality.

If you have a question regarding your love life, the Taurus card in your Tarot reading can indicate that you need to get out there and start socializing more. If you don’t do this, then it is likely that you will feel lonely and depressed, which can also lead to problems with self esteem.

If you are single and dating, then the Taurus card could also reveal that your current relationship is not going anywhere fast. Pay extra attention to what your partner is saying or doing, as the issue may be very small but will end up being a big problem in the long run.

The Taurus card in your Tarot reading can also indicate that you need to stop worrying about things and just let them happen. This is a good time to take up meditation, as it will help you to become more aware of what is happening in the present moment and not dwell on the past or future.

The Taurus Tarot card is likely to be similar to

The Emperor Tarot Card – This card represents a man who is in charge of the situation and has things under control. The Emperor is powerful and successful, but at the same time patient and kind. He is in control of both his emotions and his surroundings, which means that he never loses his temper or lets his emotions get the better of him. He knows how to take care of himself and those around him.

The Emperor represents a father figure or older male relative who teaches you about responsibility and the importance of doing things properly. He teaches you that you must work hard for what you want, as well as learning about being assertive without being overly aggressive.

In this way, The Emperor card can be compared to The Empress card which represents Taurus but also other Earth signs (Capricorn and Virgo). All three represent hard working people who will do whatever it takes to get what they want in life. However, The Empress has a more nurturing side whereas The Emperor is more interested in getting what he wants in order to protect those around him. Both are good qualities depending on the situation you are in.

The Emperor Tarot card is likely to be different from

The Hierophant Tarot Card – The Hierophant is represented by a man who is in charge of the church or religious order. He represents tradition, religion and the past, and tells you that you need to look towards the future and not stay stuck in the past. He teaches you how to be strong but also to have patience. Sometimes he may seem cruel or mean but these are just his ways of teaching you about life and making sure that you don’t make any mistakes.

The Hierophant card is different from The Emperor because he represents organized religion whereas The Emperor uses more brute force to get what he wants. The Emperor has no time for religion or people who look backwards, but rather chooses to move forward at all times.

The Hierophant can be compared to The Empress Tarot card as both represent women in positions of power. However, The Empress is more nurturing and maternal whereas The Hierophant is a religious leader or man of tradition.

The Hierophant can also be compared to The Emperor card because they both represent men in positions of power and authority. However, the Hierophant is more interested in the past and ancient ways which he teaches his followers, while the Emperor wants to move forward and never look back.

Taurus Reversed Tarot Card

In the reversed position, the Taurus card can indicate that you are afraid to love and be loved. This fear may stem from a previous experience or several small incidents that have built up over time. You are also feeling very insecure about yourself, which again leads to feelings of loneliness and depression.

You may be suffering from low self-esteem and this is holding you back in both your social and work life. In order to change this situation, you need to stop thinking so negatively about yourself and realize that you are more than capable of achieving anything that you set your mind to.

This is not the time for sitting around brooding about things, as this will only make things worse. Instead, get out there and socialize with friends or family members so that you can get your mind off whatever it was that was on your mind in the first place.

The Taurus card in your Tarot reading could also indicate that your current relationship is not heading in the right direction as far as you are concerned. There could be problems with communication, or it could be something as simple as a lack of interest on one person’s behalf.

Taurus Tarot Card Combinations

In the Universal Waite Tarot deck, when this card appears with The Emperor, it indicates that you may have some great success coming your way. You may have been feeling low in energy lately but will soon get back on track. In addition, it also indicates that there will be some significant changes happening in your life regarding money or wealth but these changes are positive. When this card appears with The Hermit, you should not let certain people disturb you or make you feel upset as things will work out fine for you in the long run. When this card appears with The Chariot, you should take care of your health and do not overexert yourself physically as it can cause problems for you later on. When this card appears with The Tower, it indicates that there are some significant changes happening in your life regarding money or wealth but these changes are positive.


When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates that you may be getting a sign of good fortune in the days to come. This card also indicates that there are certain tasks in your life that will require great patience and determination. These tasks may be related to money, wealth, career or business. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the specific details surrounding this card before taking any action.

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