Online Tarot ReadingYes/NoTarot: Should I Reach Out?

January 4, 2022by Kim Ashiza0

It’s never easy to say goodbye to someone you care about. Especially when they’re leaving for a while, which is what is happening with the people in this story.

But, like any relationship, it’s important to stay connected and not forget how much you mean to them.


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In some cases, reaching out can help someone who feels very alone in their feelings because they don’t know how else to express them. It may also be helpful if the person you’re reaching out to isn’t making contact with you.

If this happens and you still want to reach out, keep reading!

Here is what the tarot cards have to say about whether or not you should reach out:

Choose 2 Cards:

The Star

The Star symbolizes faith, hope, and inspiration. If it appears in the reversed position, however, it can mean a sense of distrust and a lack of faith in something. If this card shows up in your reading, it is a clear indication that the Star card is showing you a person who is out of reach. They’re not talking to you, but they are thinking about you. It’s important to remember that this is someone who is still hurting and not wanting to get in touch with you. If they were feeling strong enough, they would have reached out already.

The Hermit

This tarot card shows an old man sitting cross-legged on top of some steps outside of his hut looking off into the distance towards another area of land where there is an ocean coastline, mountains, and possibly some buildings in the distance beyond them. The Hermit is a symbol of introspection and meditation, though on the downside it could come in the form of drastically isolating oneself from the outside world. This image tells us that this person has become so isolated from the world that they are feeling very alone and that they may be ready to reach out to someone else.

The Magician

This tarot card shows a man wearing a hat and holding an hourglass and wand in his hands as he sits on top of a mountain peak overlooking the horizon. The Magician is the card of mystery and hidden knowledge. It also represents spontaneity and an ability to manifest what you want. This image tells us that this person might be taking on more responsibility right now and perhaps feel overwhelmed by it all because they are unsure of how they will handle it all. This is someone who needs help and guidance through this situation, so it is likely a good idea for you to reach out and give them support.

The High Priestess

This tarot card shows a woman standing with her arms crossed in front of her. She is looking off into the distance, and there is a cloud of mist around her. The High Priestess represents the ability to listen to your inner voice, and of having divine knowledge and wisdom. If reversed, though, it can symbolize hidden motives. This image tells us that this person may be feeling very unsure about their future and worried about how to move forward from here. They are looking for direction and guidance from you, but they may not know how to reach out to you yet.

The Lovers

This tarot card shows two people embracing each other as they sit together on a large couch under an overhang outside of a house surrounded by flowers and trees. This card represents a joining of two people; of unity, a blossoming romance, and pure love. This image tells us that this person has found someone new in their life who is helping them to heal after a difficult period in their life, or someone who can offer them some comfort during this time. If you feel like you can provide this kind of support to them, this is the time to reach out.

Wheel of Fortune

This tarot card shows three people sitting on the edge of a cliff looking out at the ocean below them while wearing clothing typical for sailors or fishermen working on boats out at sea or near the shoreline of land. The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes a yearning for change, to take the “wheel” and steer something in a new direction. This image tells us that someone in your life might be taking action to move forward in their life. They are taking a risk to get out of their comfort zone and pursue something new. If you want to take a chance and reach out, this may be the perfect time.

The Hanged Man

This tarot card shows a man hanging from a noose on the end of a tree branch with his arms outstretched and his legs slightly apart. This image tells us that this person is feeling stuck in some way, either emotionally or physically, and is unable to move forward in any way. They may be having trouble letting go of old ideas or making changes that will improve their situation. It might be best to hold off on reaching out towards them for now, because it is likely that they need some space to work things out on their own.

The Devil

This tarot card shows an old man with horns, hooves, and cloven feet carrying a large book as he stands at the foot of a cliff on the side of which there is a path leading down into the valley below him. This image tells us that this person has become so lost in their own darkness that they have been unable to see how they are being led by someone else towards something they don’t want to happen. Right now might be the best time for you to reach out to them, because they may need an outside influence to lead them out of their own darkness.

The Tower

This tarot card shows an older woman standing at the top of stairs leading up to an attic door on top of a tower while holding a candle in her hand. This image tells us that this person may be very close to leaving their situation and taking the next step towards a better life for themselves. They may also be looking for advice or guidance from you about how to get out of this situation. In this case, it is the perfect time for you to sweep in and provide them some support. At the same time, you can work on rebuilding the bond you two have.

The Moon

This tarot card represents complexity and uncertainty. If reversed, it symbolizes anxiety and a fear of being the target of deception. This image tells us that this person is experiencing some sort of threat or attack right now, either physically or emotionally, and is trying to protect themselves from it by not being open with others or letting anyone know how they are feeling. Because of this, it may not be the right time for you to pop into their life. At the moment, it might be better to wait until they’ve gathered their bearings and until they feel more stable in their life.

The Sun

This tarot card shows a woman holding a large round object in her hands while standing in front of a sunburst design made up of eight smaller suns that appear to be floating in the air above her head. This image tells us that this person is taking action to make changes in their life and move forward, either by moving or doing something new with their life. As it stands, this may be the perfect time for you to make your move and reach out to them. Right now, they are open to new connections, and they are likely to respond positively to your attempts.

The Fool

This tarot card shows a young man dressed in traditional clothing with an odd-looking hat on his head and playing a musical instrument. This image tells us that this person is not sure what to do next or where they should go from here. They may be looking for advice, but they are not sure who to turn to for help.  Perhaps this means that you should reach out, because there is a chance that you will be able to be the source of support that helps them move forward with their life.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant tarot card represents a man with a crown of gold on his head and a white beard. He is holding a book and a staff in his right hand and what looks like a set of scales in his left hand. The Hierophant symbolizes a man of knowledge. He can also represent a teacher or a mentor-like figure. If you’re thinking about reaching out, this card hints that the person you’re thinking of is someone who has a lot of wisdom and experience. If you are in need of some guidance in life, it’s a good idea to reach out to them.

The World

The World tarot card shows a woman holding the Earth in her hands with mountains and mountains behind her. It symbolizes fulfillment and achievement. If reversed, this image represents someone who is feeling incomplete and empty, likely from feeling insecure about their achievements (or lack of) in life. If you’re wondering if you should reach out to someone, this card tells us that they need to reach out to others more than they have been doing so far. They are very much alone and would benefit from the connection with others again, so they can have a clearer purpose and direction in their life.

Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles tarot card symbolizes self sufficiency, stability, and security. If reversed, however, it can symbolize scarcity and bad investments. The Ace of Pentacles tarot card can show someone who is very responsible and someone who takes care of others, though on the downside it can also mean that the person doesn’t have much of a shoulder to lean on themselves. This can be the perfect time for you to come into the picture. By reaching out, you can be the source of support that holds them up while they hold up everything and everyone else in their life.

The Empress

The Empress tarot card is a woman who has a crown on her head, which could indicate royalty. She is standing in front of a large house with her arms outstretched and the sun shining behind her. The Empress is a card that symbolizes fertility, nurture, and sometimes motherhood. It also represents an abundance of blessings. If this card appears in your reading, it’s an indication that the person you are reaching out to may be able to give you something very special and meaningful. If they don’t want to reach out, this could be an indication that they aren’t ready for anything serious yet.

The Emperor

The Emperor tarot card shows a man wearing a crown on his head and a cape. This image tells us that the Emperor is looking for someone to be his queen, which means that he may be ready to start a relationship with someone. If this card appears in your reading, it’s an indication that the person you are reaching out to may be ready for something more serious than friendship. If they don’t want to reach out, this could mean that they are still grieving over the loss of their significant other and aren’t ready to move on yet.

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords tarot card shows a man wearing a suit of armor and holding a sword in his right hand. This tells us that the Knight of Swords is confident and ready to defend his honor. It also tells us that he has some kind of hidden agenda, which could mean that he wants something from you. This card is an indication that the person you are reaching out to may be hiding something from you. They may not want to reach out because they don’t want to reveal their secrets or because they are still feeling vulnerable about what has happened in their life.

King of Wands

The King of Wands tarot card shows a man standing in front of a castle. He is holding a large crown in his right hand and his arms are spread out wide, as if he is greeting someone. The King of Wands means that the person you are reaching out to is someone who is confident and has a strong personality. They may also be looking for someone to share their happiness with. If this card appears in your reading, it’s an indication that the person you are reaching out to is looking for someone. It is the perfect time to reach out to them.

King of Swords

The King of Swords tarot card shows a man standing behind two people who are kneeling down before him on either side of him. He is holding a sword in his right hand and has his left hand on his hip. The King of Swords symbolizes authority and discipline. It also represents someone with high standards. This card may appear in your deck if the person you’re reaching out to has all of these qualities. They may seem intimidating and sometimes even cold, but you shouldn’t be discouraged. It may just be that they aren’t used to being openly affectionate, so you should still reach out if you want.

Add Tarot Cards Here


How can reaching out help me?

Reaching out can help someone who feels very alone in their feelings because they don’t know how else to express them.

The person you’re reaching out to may not be making contact with you because they are choosing to isolate themselves from you or the situation is making them feel too overwhelmed. In these cases, it might be important for you to reach out and make sure that they know that you care about them and want to help them. This can make them feel less alone and give them the confidence to reach out again when they’re ready.

If the person who you’re reaching out to isn’t making contact with you, there may be a reason for this. Perhaps they aren’t ready yet or there are some things that need to happen before they will be able to talk with you again.

You might also find that reaching out is the best way for someone who feels very alone in their feelings because they don’t know how else to express their feelings or decision-making process to do so.

For example, maybe this person has been hurting since the moment that something happened and didn’t know how else to express it. Or maybe this person hasn’t had time to process their feelings and may not be ready to make a decision about the situation.

In these cases, reaching out might be the best way for them to decide what they want to do. It might also help if they don’t know how else to express their feelings because they are too afraid of hurting you or making a mistake in expressing themselves.

They may also want to make sure that you are okay before making any kind of decision about their life. You might even find that reaching out is the best way for them to make a decision or plan ahead.

Reaching out can also be a way for someone to make sure that you are okay and that you aren’t being treated badly. Sometimes, they may be concerned about you and want to make sure that you are okay before making any kind of decision or plan.

When should I keep myself from reaching out?

Reaching out in this situation should only be done when you feel like you need to make sure that the person who is reaching out knows that you care about them and want to help them.

It’s important that you don’t reach out when it is not needed, especially if they are isolating themselves from the situation or have told you that they are going through something difficult and aren’t ready for your help yet.

If this is the case, it can also be helpful for you to wait until there is a time when it will be easier for them to talk with you again before contacting them again. This way, they won’t feel like they have wasted your time by reaching out again before being ready.

It’s also important that you don’t reach out to a person who is in a very vulnerable situation where your involvement might end up making things worse. If you feel like this is the case, it might be best for you to contact a trusted friend or family member instead.

You can also refer them to a professional that is appropriate for the unique situation (for example, a health care provider or a counselor) and tell them what has happened so they can talk with the person who is reaching out and make sure that they are safe.

How long should I wait before contacting them again?

It’s okay to wait a little while before contacting someone again if you think it will help them.

You might find that waiting for a little while after someone reaches out to you is helpful because it gives them time to work through their feelings and process the situation before they are ready to contact you again.

It may also give them time to make sure that there aren’t any new issues or concerns related to their relationship with you or the situation that needs addressing before talking with you again.

It can also give them time to take care of some things on their own before talking with you again so they won’t feel overwhelmed by all of the information they need to process in order to make a decision.

How will tarot reading let me know if I should reach out?

If you’re having a difficult time deciding whether or not to reach out, a tarot reading can help you decide. This type of reading will tell you what kind of situation is happening and give you information about the person who you are reaching out to.

This information gleaned from the reading can help you decide if it’s something that needs your attention. It will also give you information about how they are feeling and how they are thinking about their situation.

This can help you see what kind of impact this has had on them and let you know if there are any other ways that they might be able to express themselves in the future.

If there isn’t anything else that needs to be done, then reaching out may not be necessary in this case. But, if there is something else that needs to happen first before contacting them again, it might be best for them to wait until after this thing happens before talking with them again.

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