Online Tarot ReadingYes/NoTarot: Should I Move On?

January 3, 2022by Kim Ashiza0

Moving on is one of the hardest things to do. After a breakup, especially if it was one of those that was pretty hard to endure, moving on can be hard. In fact, moving on after a breakup can be harder than dealing with the breakup itself.

The reasons for this are pretty obvious. Moving on is hard because you’re dealing with the pain of a breakup and the pain of trying to move on.


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The other thing about moving on is that you’re dealing with your emotions. You have to try to understand what you’re feeling and figure out if you should be happy or sad, or something else. All of this is really difficult and really confusing.

Here are what the cards say about whether or not you should move on:

Choose 2 Cards:

The Moon

The Moon is a card that represents uncertainty, confusion, and false reality. If reversed, it represents fear, anxiety, and deception. As for whether or not you should move on, this card tells you that if you do, it’s probably going to be with someone who’s trying to confuse you and make you think that things are going one way when they’re really not. This is the sort of person who wants to hold you back, who wants to hold you down, and who wants to take away your independence. Expect them to pull the rug out from under your feet.

The World

The World is a card that represents the world around us and how we relate to it. If reversed, it represents denial and confusion. As for whether or not you should move on, this card tells you that it’s a little bit tricky. If the World is reversed, then it means that something is missing from your life and that something will never be able to be found again. If the World is upright, then it means that something new has been added to your life and that something will always be there with you.

The Sun

The Sun is a card that represents warmth, joy, love, peace of mind, lightness of being, optimism and positive thinking. If reversed, it represents fear of change, confusion about goals and priorities, jealousy, and emotional instability. If you’re wondering whether or not to move on and The Sun is in an upright position, it means that you should go ahead because it will make you happy. However, if it is reversed, you should tread carefully. Don’t let yourself get close too quickly to anyone because they may break your trust, and they are likely to go against you.

The Lovers

This card represents unity, love, romance, and a joining of unions. It is understandably one of the cards you would want to see most if you’re looking for insight into your romantic relationships. If you’re wondering about moving on, this card suggests that it’s time to get over the relationship because there are better things in store for your future with someone else. You need to find new people who will give you what was missing from this previous relationship or friendship before moving on to something better in the future.


Justice represents right action and right thinking; however, if reversed it can represent revenge and blind justice without any thought or consideration for what is best for the person being judged or punished. It can also represent self-righteousness and tyranny if used by a powerful person to control their followers. If Justice is upright in your reading, then go ahead and move on because that means that moving on will make your life better. If Justice is reversed in your reading, then stop moving on because that means that moving on will make your life worse than it already was before you moved on.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man represents the person who has been pushed too far, and who has reached the end of their rope. The card is usually a symbol of a victim, but in some decks it can represent a rebel or an anti-hero who goes against society and rules in order to do what they think is right. If you’re wondering whether or not you should move on, then the Hanged Man is telling you that moving on will make your life better. It will pay off eventually and be worth it all in the end.


Death represents the end of something or the loss of something, but if reversed it can represent loss of life and a chance to start over again. It can also represent lack of communication between people or not knowing how to say what you need to say to someone else. This card represents endings and changes, and it also represents loss and transition. It’s a negative card, but it’s also one that can indicate that you should move on from something. Death is about endings, transitions, and letting go of things. It’s about change and about letting go of attachments to people or places or things that no longer serve your needs or desires.

Wheel of Fortune

This card represents uncertainty, chance, change, and the randomness of life. It can hint to you wanting to have some new experiences, or that there are things in your life that need to be changed. This card means that you should probably move on from a previous relationship or friendship because it’s not worth putting more energy into something that is going nowhere fast. The future is uncertain and changeable. It’s possible for good things to happen in your life as well as bad ones, so make sure that whatever comes up in your life is going to help out with whatever situation it’s facing at the moment instead of weighing you down.

The Hermit

This card represents the desire to be alone, to retreat from the world, and to be left alone with your thoughts. It also symbolizes self-reliance, personal independence, and a newfound sense of strength. This card means that you should probably move on from a previous relationship or friendship because it’s time for you to move on and look for other things. It hints that it’s time for you to leave behind what’s in the past and focus on the future. You need to take care of yourself, and that means that you can’t wait around for others. There are things in your life that you need to deal with, and those things don’t come from anyone else but yourself.

The Star

This card represents self-discovery, exploration, and the possibility of something new. The Star is one of the cards that represents a situation where you’re moving forward, but it can also represent that something is moving in the opposite direction. This card is usually about discovering yourself and about learning about yourself. It could be that you’re not who you thought you were or that there’s more to learn about yourself than you realized. If you’re on the journey to moving on, take some time to reflect and make sure that you’re doing so in the right way, and not developing coping mechanisms to deal with your past.

The Tower

The Tower symbolizes a disaster or a destruction. This can be a good thing, manifesting in a great change or upheaval in your life. The Tower is a card that represents a great change in your life. It can represent your lifestyle changing in many ways, from finding a new job to starting a new business to getting divorced. If you’re wondering whether or not you should move on, then the Tower is telling you that you should move on and start something new and exciting. You need to make a change in your life, and it’s time for that change.

The Devil

This card represents passion, creativity, and the ability to turn your creative energy into something productive. This card is also one that represents an excess of energy. The Devil is a powerful card, but it’s also one that has a negative connotation to it. If this card appears in your reading, then you should try to channel that passion and creativity into something positive instead of using it in the wrong way. It could be tempting to go back to old habits or bad ways of doing things in order to cope with a difficult situation or emotion. If this card appears in your reading, then you should let go of some of the things that are holding you back from moving forward.

The Fool

The Fool card can mean new beginnings, adventure and spontaneity. If reversed, it symbolizes naivety and recklessness. This card can represent a new start or an opportunity for you to try something new and exciting. It can also represent a risk or adventure that you’re willing to take in order to achieve something else in your life. If you’re wondering whether or not you should move on, then an upright Fool card is telling you that moving on is a good idea. The future is filled with so many exciting possibilities, and it is prime time for turning over a new leaf.

The Empress

This card represents a queen or princess, which in this case refers to the ability to rule over your emotions and your decisions. It also means that you should keep your emotions in check, and make sure that you are thinking with your head as well as with your heart. This card means that you should probably let go of a previous relationship, because there are better options for you now. It’s time to stop listening to what other people say about you, and listen only to what the cards say about you.

The Chariot

This card represents a journey, or the idea of travel. It also means that you should keep moving forward and looking for new things to experience, because you don’t want to stagnate in your life. You want to keep growing and learning, so that you can become a better person and make your life better. This card means that it’s time for new people in your life because old people just aren’t good enough anymore. It’s time for new things in your life because old things just aren’t going to get better. It’s time for new experiences because old experiences aren’t going to change anything about who you are as a person or what kind of relationships you have with other people.

The Emperor

This card represents a leader or an authority figure. In this case it refers to the ability to lead and make decisions on behalf of yourself and others. It also means that you should keep up appearances so that others will see how great of a person you are, even if they don’t really know it themselves. This card means that it’s time for new people in your life because old people just aren’t good enough anymore. It’s time for new things in your life because old things just aren’t going to get better. It’s time for new experiences because old experiences aren’t going to change anything about who you are as a person or what kind of relationships you have with other people.

Six of Cups

This card symbolizes nostalgia, healing, and comfort. It can hint to you wanting to return to a happier time in your life, perhaps because you recently went through a deep disappointment or loss. If you’re wondering about moving on, this card suggests that you should do so because there are better things to be had in the future. You can’t always rely on past happiness and comfort, but you need to make sure that you’re moving forward towards a new happy place where all of your hopes and dreams will come true.


This card symbolizes awakening, a new sense of purpose, and a reckoning of the self. If reversed, it can represent doubt and loathing of the self. If you’re wondering about moving on, this card showing up in your deck is a clear suggestion that you should do so because it’s time to get up and get going. You can’t sit around for too long in one place or be stuck with the same old feelings forever. Things are changing all the time, and there is always something new out there waiting for you to discover it.

The High Priestess

This card represents a spiritual leader, wisdom, and an ability to interpret the deeper meaning of things. It can hint at you wanting to learn more about your spirituality or religion in order to gain insight into what life is all about. If you’re wondering about moving on, this card suggests that it’s time for new people in your life because your history with people from the past are stagnant; they won’t change and they won’t get any better. Old experiences won’t change anything about who you are as a person or what kind of relationships you have with other people.


The Hierophant

This card represents a teacher, an authority figure, and the power to guide others. It can suggest that you are wanting to learn new things from other people or making sure that your mind is always sharp and ready for whatever life throws at you next. If you’re wondering about moving on, this card suggests that you should do so because it’s time to take a step back and look at your life. You need to be reminded of the lessons that you’ve learned throughout your entire life, and then make sure that those lessons are going to help shape who you are in the future.

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In addition, moving on is also hard because it involves dealing with your ex-partner’s feelings. This can be difficult because sometimes they are not receptive to your trying to move on.

Why should I move on?

The answer is obvious. And the answer is: if it’s going to make your life better, then move on. But if it’s not going to make your life better, then don’t.

The main reason why it’s better to move on sooner rather than later is because moving on helps prevent any possible future breakups from happening.

Moving on will help you become more confident about yourself and help you realize that your ex-partner does not deserve your time anymore (especially if they have cheated). It will also help you focus more on other things in life that matter more than them.

It will also help prevent your feelings from getting hurt when other people flirt with you or try to be nice to you when they don’t really mean it.

However, it’s important to note that it’s still possible for a breakup to happen again. If this happens, then at least you’ll know that you can handle it better and more effectively than before.

This will make things easier for you and make your feelings more calm and less painful. It will also help you be more understanding of your ex-partner and what they were going through

When should I start moving on?

Some people think that moving on is a process that should take a long time. Some people think that it’s something that should be done over and over again until they finally get it right.

Some people even think that they should wait at least six months after the breakup before they can move on (or longer).

However, in reality, moving on is not like that at all. In fact, if you’ve been in a relationship for more than a year or so, you probably know for sure whether or not you should move on.

The longer you’re in a relationship, the more likely it is that you should move on. The longer you’re in a relationship, the more likely it is that your ex-partner is not going to change and become a different person.

It’s also important to note that sometimes, after a breakup, it’s best to just stay where you are and try not to go through the motions of moving on.

Sometimes it’s better not to try too hard and just focus on being happy without trying too hard to be happy again (which would be impossible).

If that’s the case, then at least give yourself some time away from the relationship or from thinking about it at all so that your emotions can calm down a bit.

You can also talk about it with someone else who has been through a similar situation or who understands what you’re going through. Talking about it will help soothe your emotions and make you feel better

How can tarot reading help me?

Tarot reading can help you with a lot of things. If you’re worried about moving on, then tarot reading can help you decide whether or not to move on.

It can help you decide whether or not to trust someone, or whether or not to let someone into your life. It can also help you decide whether or not to take a risk in order to get something that’s missing from your life.

Tarot is an amazing tool for helping us understand our own inner selves. It can be a very powerful tool for helping us discover what it is that we want to learn, who we are, and how we can get there.

One of the best ways to help us understand ourselves and our place in the world is through learning about ourselves through using Tarot cards.

This is because Tarot provides us with a way to reflect on our experiences and feelings, and discover what it is that we need to know about ourselves in order to make better choices in our lives.

Tarot cards provide a way for us to look at what we have experienced up until this point in our lives, and compare it with the lessons that have been learned from past experiences.

We can see how these lessons relate to other people’s experiences as well, and see how our choices and actions have been influenced by these lessons.

Tarot is a powerful tool for understanding ourselves and the world around us. We can use Tarot to understand what we need to learn from our experiences, how we can grow from these experiences, and how we can make better choices in the future.

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