LoveOnline Tarot ReadingYes/NoTarot: Will We Be Together In The Future?

December 1, 2021by Kim Ashiza0

Do you ever wonder if you will be together in the future? Will we be together, married, or what? This is a question that can be asked by anyone. It is not only something to ask your partner but also with friends and family.

Even though this is a very common question, it may cause some conflict between couples and may even bring up old wounds. We all have many questions that we want answered when it comes to our lives, but they are usually too personal to ask them.


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That’s why it is best to ask the right questions instead of just asking random ones. For example, if someone wants to know about their life after death, then it would be better for them to inquire about these things from an expert rather than simply asking random people on the street.

Here is what the tarot cards have to say about the question, “Will we be together in the future?”

Choose 2 Cards:

The Lovers

The Lovers is a card that symbolizes unity and partnership between people. It represents a deep sense of love and romance. In the reverse position, it can symbolize imbalance and a kink in one’s relationship. If the Lovers card appears upright in your reading, then it means that you have been in a relationship before and you are still in love with that person. There is a deep harmonious connection between the two of you. If you are using this spread to think about the future of someone you’re in a relationship with, this card shows that it is likely you two will stay together for much longer.

The Star

The Star card is one of the most common cards in tarot. It represents optimism, desire, passion, and hope. If reversed, it can mean that someone is not as hopeful as they should be. If the Star card appears upright in your reading, then it means that you have a very positive outlook on life and your future. You believe that everything will turn out fine for you and that there is nothing to worry about. The same will likely happen in regards to whether or not you will be together with someone. If you are happy together right now, this will likely continue in the future.

The Moon

The Moon card is a representation of change and transition in your life. In the reverse position, it can mean a loss or separation from someone you love deeply. If the Moon card appears upright in your reading, then it means that there will be changes coming into your life very soon and they may be unexpected changes to how things are going now. You may not be sure how these changes will affect your future with your partner, but you know that they will be coming. You can be prepared for them in some way.

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune card represents the unknown and change in life. If the Wheel of Fortune card appears upright, then it means that there is an element of uncertainty in your life right now. It is unclear what the future holds for you; things are going to change drastically in the near future. This can make you very anxious, but it is important to remember that this uncertainty is part of what makes life interesting and exciting. If this card appears reversed, there is a lot of uncertainty in your life right now and it could mean something bad will happen to you or someone close to you soon.

The Hermit

The Hermit card symbolizes a period of solitude or isolation from others as well as a time when you are able to reflect on yourself and all that has happened so far in your life. In the reverse position, it shows a deep connection with another person. If you want to know whether you will stay together with someone in the future, this card indicates that you are very close to that person. This is a positive sign because it means that you will be able to rely on each other in times of need, even when the two of you are isolated from the outside world.


The Devil

The Devil card represents the dark side of life and your thoughts about what may happen in the future. It can also represent a negative relationship with someone else or an enemy if it appears reversed. If the Devil card appears upright on your spread, then there is a possibility of losing something very important to you in the near future. This might even be a close relationship with someone near and dear. This can make you feel anxious, but you should remember that change is inevitable in life and it is important to be open-minded about what may happen next.


The Hierophant

The Hierophant card represents a period of contemplation and wisdom. If the Hierophant card appears upright, then it means that you are considering a very important decision right now. This can mean that you will make a decision that will have an impact on your life and theirs in the future. If this card appears reversed, then it means that there is something wrong with your current relationship and there may be an opportunity for improvement in the near future. This can make you feel anxious, but remember that relationships are constantly changing and they will eventually get better again.

The Emperor


The Emperor card symbolizes authority and power. It can also represent someone who is a leader in some way. If the Emperor card appears upright, then it means that you have the power to make important decisions in your life and you are responsible for what happens to you. This is a very positive thing because it means that you are able to make the right choices for yourself and those around you. If this card appears reversed, then it means that there is something wrong with your current relationship and there may be an opportunity for improvement in the near future.

The Empress

The Empress card represents the feminine side of life and your ability to make decisions. It can also represent a mother figure if it appears reversed. This card means that you are making a decision that will have an impact on your life and the lives of those around you. This is a very positive thing because it means that you are able to make the right choices for yourself and those around you. In terms of whether or not you will stay together with someone in the future, this card signifies that you can only get the outcome you want if you’re willing to take the reins.


Justice is a card that represents fairness and balance. It can also represent one who is selfless and kind. In reverse, the Justice card represents dishonesty and injustice. With regards to whether or not you will be together with that special someone in your future, this card suggests that this can only work if there is mutual work put into the relationship. After all, a relationship is a two-way street. If the two of you put in the effort, then your relationship will stand strong long into the future. So, whether or not you will be together in the future depends on what the two of you do now.


Judgement is a card that represents truth and right. The Judgement card can also represent one who is honest and reliable. If the Judgement card appears upright, then it means that you are making the right choices for yourself and those around you. This is a very positive thing because it means that you are able to make the right choices for yourself and those around you. If this card appears reversed, then it means that there is something wrong and imbalanced with your current relationship. Perhaps it is time to move on and not be together in the future.

The Tower

The Tower card symbolizes a time of destruction, chaos, and confusion. It is often used to represent the destruction of a relationship or marriage. If the Tower card appears upright in your reading, then it means that you are in a very intense situation with someone. You are struggling with a lot of conflict and it seems like there is no way out of it. The future of your relationship is unclear at this point, but you will likely end up splitting up in the near future. However, don’t worry too much. Perhaps separating is the best thing for your lives right now.

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is a card that represents energy, ambition, and enthusiasm. It can also symbolize being focused on a project or goal. If reversed, it can represent disappointment and unhappiness. If the Ace of Wands appears upright in your reading, then it means that you are very enthusiastic about something. You will likely be focused on that one thing that you care about and not worry about anything else. If you’d like to stay together with someone all the way to the future, make sure this current obsession of yours doesn’t overtake your focus so much that you forget your relationships with others.

Five of Cups

The Five of Cups is a card that symbolizes loneliness and depression. It represents loss, sorrow, and sadness in one’s life. If the Five of Cups appears upright in your reading, then it means that there are problems within your life right now that prevent you from being happy or enjoying life. The same will likely be true for whether or not you will be together with someone in the future. You may be very happy right now, but problems will arise that prevent you from enjoying it to the fullest. It is important to make sure that you can find happiness even when things get hard.

Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands is a card that represents quick decisions and sudden changes. If reversed, it can signify losing momentum and a period of stagnancy. If the Eight of Wands appears upright in your reading, then it means that there is something new happening right now in your life. Perhaps you’ve entered a fresh, exciting relationship. In the future, this will likely continue for at least a little while longer. Though whether or not you stay together long into the future is still unclear, you should make sure to take some time and enjoy this new relationship to the fullest.

King of Cups

The King of Cups card is used to represent deep wisdom and a balance between the head and the heart. If the King of Cups appears upright in your reading, then it means that you are in a very comfortable situation with someone. You have everything you need and there is no way you will ever feel any kind of shortage. The future of your relationship is likely to be full of happiness and joy as well. You will be able to find ways to make each other happy and this is something that can be very helpful for a long-term relationship.

Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands represents independence, strength, and passion. It creates the image of someone courageous and heroic. If the Knight of Wands appears upright in your reading, then it means that you are currently independent and doing what you want to do. There is no one trying to control you or take away your freedom. The Knight of Wands can also represent a deep connection between two people and their strong sense of passion for each other. This means you are likely to be happy together for a long time because there is nothing that can come between you.

Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups represents warmth and compassion. If reversed, it can mean that there is too much love in a relationship and that it is becoming too much for one person to handle. If the Queen of Cups appears upright in your reading, then it means that you are in a very comfortable situation with someone. You will likely remain strong and bonded for a long time. The future of your relationship is likely to be full of happiness and joy as well. You will be able to find ways to make each other happy and this is something that can be very helpful for a long-term relationship.

The High Priestess

The High Priestess card represents wisdom, knowledge, psychic abilities, spiritual insight, creativity, and peace of mind. If reversed, it can mean that someone has lost their mind or has gone crazy because they are overwhelmed by their own emotions. If the High Priestess appears upright in your reading, then it means that you are currently working on yourself and taking care of yourself before worrying about anyone else. Any relationship right now is unclear in terms of whether or not it will last long into the future. Instead, right now it is best to focus on yourself and your own goals.

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Let’s face it, one of the things that makes people happy is the thought of being a part of a family or having a significant other by your side. This can be particularly true when you’re talking about romantic relationships. Is there really a love that lasts forever?

There are so many relationships that do last a lifetime or beyond because people choose to be in them for all these reasons: companionship, mutual respect, caring etc.

People may not realize this but our brains are wired to love people we have been with in the past and form strong bonds with them based on our previous experiences.

It’s called “priming” and basically says that when you meet someone new it takes time to make those bonds between your brain and theirs because you are not the same person you were when you were first introduced to them.

You have to build a relationship based on the current version of yourself, which can take some time. So what about friendship? Are there people that last forever? Is it possible for friends to become something more in the future?

The short answer is yes, but how long does this relationship last depends on how well the two people know each other and whether or not they are willing to commit to a relationship. As with any relationship, you need to be committed in order for it to work.

How can a bond last a long time?

It all depends on how well you know the person. If you are really close with them, it will last forever because you can talk about anything with them and they are always there for you when you need them.

But what if your partner or friend doesn’t like you anymore? This could be a reason why your bond could be breaking down. If this is the case, then you need to try and find a way to fix it. If you can’t, then maybe it’s time to move on and find someone new.

What if your friend or partner is always there for you but doesn’t have the same feelings for you? If this is the case, then maybe he or she isn’t that close with you after all. Maybe it’s time to move on and find someone else who is willing to give their heart to you.

Another reason why a bond could break down is because one person wants more than the other person wants.

This can be true of friends or lovers as well as family members. In some cases, this could lead to one person leaving the relationship because they are not getting what they want out of it anymore.

If this happens, then sometimes it may be best to just go your separate ways instead of trying to hold onto something that is going nowhere. Sometimes, things don’t work out in relationships because one person changes and the other doesn’t change at all.

How can tarot reading help me know if we will be together?

Tarot can be a very helpful tool for people who are in relationships. If you’re trying to know if you will be together with your partner or if you have been in a relationship before, then tarot reading can help you figure out what is going on and what the future holds for you.

One of the most important aspects of tarot reading is that it helps you see what’s going on inside your own mind. Tarot readers are able to see things about the person who is consulting them that others may not be able to see at all.

The more that you know about yourself, the better your chances of finding someone who will want to spend their life with you.

There are so many people out there looking for a soul mate, but how do they find one? One way would be through tarot reading, because it can give them insight into whether or not they are compatible with each other and their lives.

When you’re trying to know if you will be together with your partner, then tarot reading can help you see what is going on inside your own mind. This can help you determine whether or not there are things that need to be fixed in the relationship.

The reason why it’s important for people to consult tarot reading when they are trying to know if they will be together with their partner is because the more insight into yourself that you have, the better off your chances of finding someone who wants to spend their life with you.

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