Online Tarot ReadingYes/NoTarot: Should I Stay Or Go?

January 2, 2022by Kim Ashiza0

Have you ever had the feeling that something is not right in your life? Maybe it’s a change of job, maybe a relationship issue, or maybe even just an inner desire to move. Sometimes the reasons are valid, and sometimes they’re not.


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But even if you feel that something is off, you might still need to move on in your life. Either way, it’s something that you need to deal with.

Here’s what the tarot cards have to say to the question, “Should I stay or go?”

Choose 2 Cards:

The Tower

The Tower symbolizes disaster, destruction, and a sudden upheaval. If it is in the reversed position, it would symbolize an attempt to avoid the inevitable, or resisting change. To answer whether or not you should stay or go, this card can show up if there’s been a sudden change in your environment. Perhaps you had a recent breakup, or there’s been a change in the routine of your day job. These new factors in your daily life may have been making everything feel a little more chaotic. However, you should remember that these temporary messes may lead to a greener meadow eventually. It might be a good idea to just hold on for a little longer and see where things go.

The Star

The Star symbolizes new beginnings, hope, and confidence. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that things aren’t as bright as they seem, or you are waiting for something to happen. If you are considering moving on from your current situation, this card can be telling you that the change will be for the better. However, it could also mean that things will go wrong and you’ll have to deal with some form of adversity or stress. Things may not turn out as well as you expect them to. But sometimes even though there’s uncertainty, things still work out better than we expect them to.

The Moon

The Moon symbolizes emotional ups and downs, change, uncertainty and instability. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that there has been some stability but no growth or progress has occurred yet. If you’re considering staying or leaving something, this card tells you that things will continue to change and that you should be flexible with your approach. If you are going through a difficult time, this card can show that you need to slow down and take it easy for a while. There’s no need to rush into anything, and maybe you should just take some time off from work for a while.

The Devil

The Devil represents deceit and deception in all its forms: temptation, manipulation, and exploitation. This card is often used to show someone who has been misleading or tricking others in some way; they may have been playing a long game while pretending to be a nice person who cares about others. If this card shows up when you’re wondering whether to leave something or stay, make sure the people around this issue are being truthful. They may have some ulterior motives that will affect whether or not you stay in a situation.

The Lovers

The Lovers represents love and romance, friendship and compassion, and happiness in all its forms. If it is in the reversed position, it would show a person who is denying their feelings for someone else. It could also show that a person has put off a decision about their relationship or their feelings for someone else; maybe they are delaying something until they are ready or they don’t want to do anything without thinking about it first. If you’re having doubts whether to stay or leave a relationship, be it romantic or platonic, this card may be telling you to not ignore what your heart feels.


Death represents endings, but also new beginnings. If it’s in the reversed position, it indicates that an ending has been decided upon without considering all of the options available to you. The Death card can be a warning sign if you’re considering staying in your current situation. If you feel like things are not going well, it might be a good idea to move on. It can also show that your current situation is holding you back from living life to the fullest; maybe you’re worried about the future, and this is keeping you from moving forward with new opportunities.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man symbolizes a feeling of entrapment, of being in a position where you cannot escape or change your situation. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that the decision you’re making isn’t the right one for you, or that you are trying to avoid making a decision. The Hanged Man can also represent indecision and lack of conviction in your actions; maybe you’re having trouble deciding whether or not to move forward with something because you’re worried about how other people will react. If you’re wondering whether to stay or go, this tells you that you need to make a decision soon. Even if you’re not sure what the right choice is, postponing may make things worse.

The Sun

The Sun symbolizes hope, optimism, success and positivity. In the reversed position, it would show that you’re stuck in a bad situation where it’s difficult to find a way out. However, if it is upright then this card shows that you have a positive outlook on life and everything will work out fine for you. This could mean that there’s still something holding you back from living life to the fullest. Maybe there’s something missing from your life right now. Either way, try to find ways to make yourself feel better so that these feelings don’t stop you from moving forward with new opportunities.


Judgement represents decisions and endings. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that you have decided upon an ending without considering all of your options; however, if it is in its upright position, then this card shows that endings are not always bad things. Judgement represents the ultimate choice: to stay or go? It can also represent an inability to make a decision. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that there has been indecision and lack of clarity in your decision making process. However, if it is in its upright position, then this card shows that there is a strong sense of conviction and commitment to your current situation.

The World

The World represents stability, security, and predictability in all areas of life: finance, relationships, health and even spirituality. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that an existing pattern of predictability has been disturbed by an outside influence. However, if it is upright then this card shows that the patterns of your life are set in stone. If you are considering staying or leaving something, this card showing up in the upright position tells you that things will continue to be stable. Everything is going well and that there is no need to worry about making any drastic changes.

Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles symbolizes work and productivity, and sometimes staying or leaving can be related to how much time you spend working. A reversed Two of Pentacles, however, indicates an imbalance in your life, as well as an overwhelming chaos. If it is upright then this card shows that you are going through a good groove in your life right now, and staying may be the best thing for you. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that no growth or progress has occurred yet, and perhaps things are getting a little too chaotic and it’s time for a change of scenery.

Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles symbolizes happiness and contentment, as well as stability and security in all areas of life: finance, relationships, health and even spirituality. If reversed, however, it can mean ego and a lack of teamwork. If the Three of Pentacles shows up in an upright position and you’re wondering whether to stay in a situation or leave it, it means that you should be content with what you have and not worry about the future too much. Stability is what is currently best for you, so keep that in mind as you move forward in life.

Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles symbolizes enjoyment, generosity, and gratitude. If you’re thinking about staying or leaving something, this card tells you that your situation may not be ideal but it’s important that you should still be able to enjoy it and be grateful for what you have. The Six of Pentacles can also represent the accumulation of wealth, if you’re in a position where you have a lot of money or possessions. If you’re worried about staying or leaving something, this card tells you that your situation is okay but that there may be better opportunities for you in the future.

The Hermit

The Hermit represents loneliness, retreat, and the desire to go off on your own. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that you are hiding from something, or trying to avoid a confrontation. This card can show that you are holding back and refusing to engage with other people. Maybe you feel like people don’t understand you and you don’t want to be bothered by them anymore. On the other hand, it can represent a situation where things have been going poorly but now they’re going

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes change, fortune, and luck. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that you are unable to move forward because of a lack of progress or a series of bad events that have prevented you from moving forward. If you’re considering staying or leaving something, this card can show that there’s been a lot of progress in your life but now things are changing again. It can also represent someone who has recently made big changes in their life. Either way, it’s important to be aware that things may not stay the same forever and it’s okay to move on when they do change.

The Chariot

The Chariot symbolizes swiftness, speed, and movement. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that you are not moving forward or changing your life in any significant way. If you’re considering staying or leaving something, this card showing upright can hint that things are moving quickly but you’re not able to keep up with them. Perhaps for now, it is best to keep things a little stagnant so you can regain some stability. However, if it shows in the reversed position, it might indicate the opposite; that you are too stagnant right now, and that you shouldn’t be afraid of a little change.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant represents spiritual guidance, the importance of spirituality in our lives, and connecting with a higher power. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that you are taking spirituality lightly or rejecting your beliefs altogether. This card can show that you are letting your spiritual beliefs become insignificant in your life. Perhaps to decide whether to stay or go, you should reconnect with your spirituality and see where the signs point to. It can also show that you need to get back on track with your spiritual practices; maybe you’ve been neglecting your spiritual life for too long and things have started to go downhill.

Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands symbolizes responsibility and obligation; it also represents getting things done and being ready for action. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that you are shouldering too big of a burden right now. You may get this card in the reversed position if you’re currently feeling overwhelmed about a certain situation. In this case, take a step back to assess things with a clearer mind.  It may also mean that you’re not sure what to do next because there’s too much uncertainty and pressure on you right now. You need to get things moving again if you want to make progress on your goals.

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords symbolizes jealousy, envy, and a desire to be more powerful than others. If it is in the reversed position, it would show that you are afraid of losing your power or status. If you’re considering staying or leaving something, this card can show that you have an inflated ego and that you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Or, maybe your boss has been making comments about how great your work is lately and trying to undermine your authority; if this happens again, it might be a good idea to think about moving on because you’re not really valued at work anymore.

The Emperor

The Emperor represents authority, leadership, and power. If it is in the reversed position, it would show recklessness and a lack of discipline. If you’re considering staying or leaving something, this card can show that someone has been making decisions for you without your consent; maybe there’s a group of people who are dictating what your life should be like but they aren’t listening to what you have to say about it. When you’re deciding to stay or go, make sure that no one is trying to dominate or make your decisions for you.

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A healthy decision is made when we do the work to make sure that we’re making the right choice for us. This means that we’re not simply taking someone else’s word for it. We take the time to research and analyze every situation, as well as our own motivations and desires.

In fact, many people stay in bad situations for far too long because they are convinced that things will eventually get better. Many times people also stay in a bad situation because they feel like they have no other options, or that there is no way out of it.

For all those who are thinking about staying in a relationship that they aren’t happy with, this article is for you. For all those who have decided to stay in an unhappy relationship and think that it might work out one day, then this article is also for you.

This isn’t just about relationships; it applies to any other area of your life where you don’t feel like things are going the way that they should be going. You may not even realize when something needs changing until after the fact!

Why do some people stay?

It is human nature to try and keep things the way they are. We’re so used to a certain way of doing things that we don’t even realize when it has changed.

When something does change, many people stay in the situation because they feel like everything will eventually work out for them again. The truth is that most situations do not improve over time; instead, your circumstances become worse as you continue on with your life!

Another reason that people stay in a bad situation is because they are afraid of change. We’re taught from an early age to be comfortable with what we have, and if something isn’t working out then it may feel like the only way to avoid feeling uncomfortable is by staying put.

Many people spend their entire lives trying to find the perfect mate or get back together with an ex-partner without ever actually moving on.

Why do some people go?

The same human nature that makes us stay in a bad situation also causes many people to run away from it. When something is not working out, you might feel like you’re going crazy and wondering if there is any way to fix the problem or make things better.

If someone has been miserable for so long that they don’t even want to leave their current situation anymore, then moving on may be too hard for them to do.

There are also some great reasons for you not to stay in your current position: If you work hard at finding ways of improving your life, then perhaps one day you will end up being happy even though things aren’t as they should be right now.

There might come a time when someone who really cares about you will encourage you into changing things around so that your happiness can begin again.

The fact is that there are always options available for those who truly want them; just remember this whenever times seem tough: No matter how much pain it causes us, sometimes doing something different is exactly what we need in order to make our lives better.

How can tarot reading help me know to stay or go?

Tarot reading can help you determine if a situation is right for you. If it’s clear that something isn’t working out, then it may be time to move on.

Tarot readings are not an absolute way of determining what will happen in the future; instead, they give insight into your current life and allow you to make decisions based on how things are going now versus how they could potentially go in the future.

Tarot reading can also help you see what is wrong with your current situation. If there are certain things that you want to change, but aren’t sure how to do it or where to start, then tarot readings can provide the answers for you.

Tarot reading helps make decisions when situations seem unclear in your life right now. If something isn’t working out or if someone else has made bad choices in the past that are holding back progress for everyone involved, then using tarot readings can be helpful as an additional source of information about all possible outcomes for any given situation.

The best way to get good at a new skill is by trying out different approaches and learning from each one of them; however, many people stick with their first idea without really giving any more thought into the matter because they feel like they have no other options available.

A tarot reading will give you a chance at making those changes happen! But remember, tarot readings are not absolute. They give you insight into your current situation, but they don’t tell you whether it is right for you to stay in that situation or leave it.

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